
British answers.Just how proud are you to be British.Is Nationalism a patriotic duty?

by Guest60540  |  earlier

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Please do not assume which way I think ..I want opinions of British people .Define British however you will




  1. Yes, isn't it TREASON to think or do otherwise?!

  2. I'm white English and proud. I don't undertake any construction for anyone else and only employ white English sub contractors.

    I think the Royals should boot Government out, use the army to close the borders and round up all the illegal immgrants and send them back to their own country.

    Anyone who doubts the role of the Monarcy should be publicy flogged and put in the stocks.

  3. I don't generally give much thought to my nationality.  No-one can help where they're born, can they?

  4. Don't think about it much. Try to keep my head above muddy waters.

  5. yes i am proud to be english and not british

  6. Really good question

    I feel proud to be British as I would expect other people to be proud of where they come from.

    I think there is a big difference between pride of nationality or identity and the arrogance that is often displayed and mistaken for national pride.

    Nationalism as an 'ism' can be very dangerous and lead to ignorance or a total lack of respect for other people through that ignorance, so I do not consider it a patriotic duty as in it is your duty to be an unthinking patriot or you must be a traitor.

    I believe a true patriot seeks to have his/her nation seen in the best light possible, enlightened and confident but independent in thought and capable of taking its own decisions.

  7. I'm surprised people like 'What the Heck' even have the intelligence to use a computer.

    I'm not particularly proud of being British per se, as someone else said, it's just the result of some random genetic chance that I was born on this island. I do however, consider myself extremely lucky to live in a tolerant and prosperous society. I do feel proud whenever the British government does anything to promote such values across the globe and I likewise feel total disgust when the government acts against humanitarian interests in order to promote "British interests".

    Blind nationalism and flag waving is an extremely dangerous thing indeed.

  8. Interesting question. You're not asking what I think it IS to be British simply am I proud to be.

    I'd say generally no I'm not. When I see battling hooligans on the news, British soldiers occupying foreign lands they have no right to be in and our children stabbing each other to death in the streets I have to say I'm not at all proud to be British.

    I see that the new MGB is being built in China, I see petrol at £1.21 ltr, bread over "1 a loaf and people old and young that can't afford to keep warm.

    This is not a Britain to be proud of whatever your colour or race.

  9. pride and nationalism are different things first of all.

    i am immensely proud to be british. not particularly because we have a history of being extremely violent and dominant towards those we view as being competitiors, or who are just in the way. rather it is because here i can do and say pretty much what i like without fear of persecution. i know that the government (most of the time) cannot chuck me in prison when it feels like it because our independent judiciary will protect me. we are protected by a common law that has existed in one form or another for more than a thousand years. our little island is prosperous, free and welcoming. there are a few other countries in the world that i would say are as great as britain, and i consider myself extremely fortunate that i live in so wonderful a place.

    all the social problems we have, economic difficulties, foreign policy mistakes etc, can be found everywhere in the world, and most people born on this earth do not have the freedom to enjoy their lives as they wish, that we have in the uk.

    nationalism is most certainly not a patriotic duty. to me nationalism entails aggression, or at least the threat of it. it starts wars, is responsible for ethnic cleansing, and is generally a negative for humanity. we are growing out of it slowly, as can be shown by the peace experienced by western europe since it abandoned (for the most part) nationalism after wwii.

    ultimately, i love britain.

    what the heck - you must be joking mate. clearly you want to spend your life in blind obedience to something or someone, and persecute everyone who disagrees with you while you do it. your mentality is from the dark ages.

  10. I reject the notion of British since I believe the Government promotion of 'Britishness' to be an attempt at resurrecting the failed social experiment multi-culturalism. Anyone granted a passport can be British regardless of country of origin. I am English and proud of it despite Labours best attempts to eradicate the English national identity and patriotism.

  11. Sure.

    Why not?

    Decode this lyrics " Colour of the wind"

    With the Battle of Britain"?

    With God save the Queen?

    With the glory and honour of The Promised land?

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  12. I am proud to be British!!

  13. I'm am American....but would be proud to be a Brit.

    Ta Ta and G'day.

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