
British democracy and hidden human rights issues, towards olympic 2012?

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Britain has been bias towards china and expecially in the closing ceremony before the games was handed over to London, the english commentators were blatently putting china down, and hyping england up,, very very bitterly and biasly.

but the main issue is Britain are showing signs of hypocrites, as have taken money from the lottery fund that goes to charities to fund the OLYMPICS 2012...

they are raising Tax and robbing people blind in oreder to do an olympics that has no culture to show...

biasm against china, at least china openly do things, the british are being so sly in forcing people to pay more, and STEALING from the CHARITIES,..... this is a descrace where are the human rights!!!!




  1. Ask this question again when you learn second grade English.

  2. They're stealing from charities?  Whoa.  Link, please.

    I guess it's going to be another riot-filled extravaganza during the torch run in four years.

  3. Chinese should protest and snatch the torch , that'll be funny.

    And CNN should also cover the story of slaves, how British robbed pillage other nations. lol

  4. well, The lottery funding, has always gone partly to sports. The lottery funded the building of my local sports centre and the refurbishment of my Local Rugby Clubs Clubhouse and bar and training facilities. The Lottery had also always funded athletes as well, so it's nothing out of the ordinary and shocking that the Lottery is partially funding the Olympics

    so no, they are not stealing from charities

    and of course Money is going to come from taxes as well to fund it ... where do you expect them to get the money from it. It doesnt grow on trees you know?

    they have set a budget that they will try and stick too, which is £9bn, which is less than half of what China has spent


    First off, you call me dumb, and you can't even spell ... Pot calling the Kettle black?? i think so, just a tad.

    and it's people lke you who are ruining this country. The building of the Olympic facilities will be a good thing for London, re-developing East London, which is a run-down dump.

    After the Manchester Commonwaelth games, which we funded and did well, Manchester is left with facilites that all the public can use. A bad area of Manchester was re-developed.

    It's people like you that don't want to see countries move forward. I'm happy that some of my tax money for once will be put to good use, by building and re-developing poor areas of cities, instead of Funding illeggal immigrants for once, which judging by your standards of written English, you pobably are one. If you hate England so much, just leave!

    And secondly, The Lottery funding is for Sports as well as Charities. They are not going to be stealing from charities. The Lottery already funds the athletes and building of sporting facilities, nothing is going to change in respect to that

    i think the biggest hypocrisy is that you state you hate us English so much, and our government, yet, i doubt you will be leaving this country anytime soon.

  5. Can you provide sources to back up the accusations you have made?  Although I have heard rumors of a tax increase or new tax to assist in funding 2012, I have not actually seen any proof.  Please provide it if you have it.  I have never heard the other rumors you are quite possibly starting.

    Lots of countries recently increased taxes in some way.  British Columbia Canada increased a gas tax, so did the USA.

  6. Firstly Britain didn't snatch the torch that was the Tibet protesters.

    Secondly, I think the Olympics will bring a lot back to Britain through the tickets selling, tourists and through others expenses people will need such as food, hotels and so on. And it won’t just last during the 2 weeks of the Olympics but before and after they are over. Also not all the games will not be in London, they will be in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and all over England and so many will gain.

    The National Lottery is to help charities and I agree it’s causing a loss in that area but perhaps it’s a sacrifice which will gain in another area. Due to the Olympics it seems many young people are now getting more interested in sports and that’s a massive gain, especially with today’s weight problems.

    And Taxes will increase, but not alot as the cost is spread very thinly out.

    By the way, it's not stealing from charities. The National Lottery is willingly giving this money away.

  7. All of you findings is a bit too hating though. Proof is a good way for evidence. No proof and you can't say about that.

    My own findings from UK newspapers as well as Western media:;...

  8. The English always hype England up. I wouldn't worry about it, at least we don't have to live there.

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