
British education system?

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as a singapore student, i often hear that the singapore education system is adapted from the british one. i just want to know how similar are they, since i might be plannign to study in the UK. for singapore:

we spend 6 years in primary school, and have a PSLE (primary school leaving examination) at the end

then spend 4 years in secondary school, and have an O level at the end, after which we go to junior colleges

then we spend 2 years there then take our A levels. then we finally go to university for usually 4 years

is it similar in the UK?




  1. 6 years in primary and take SATs tests

    5years in secondary but we have gcse at the end of secondary then we go to college and take AS levels(think of it like a practise A levels but they count towards the final grade) Then the next year we take A levels and we have certain grades we need to get to get into certain universitys, for example we need 3 A's to get into Cambridge which is the top uni we have here

    so thats 2 years in college, like you

    and uni it depends what you take..i think the maximum is probably 4-6years

    I forgot- in y9 which is the middle year of scondary school we take SATs again to see our progress

    so it is basically the same apart from the extra year in secondary

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