
British girls easy and love black men?

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British girls easy and love black men?




  1. Lurkain= Gentlemintos

  2. We are not easy! well i speak for myself anyways.....why do u care about britain concentrate on america or werever your from....=/

    Edit: im black but im british, so you shud rephrase you question and put english girls instead of british as any colour being can be british..being born their and claiming british citizenship.

  3. No but they do have more interracial marriage over there

  4. you are a PERVERT with a capitol P

  5. Yeah lol black men come second after white men for who most british girls like as Britain is predominately white so of course their white men come first but in my area lol all the white girls on my estate are with black boys but these aint even the girls youd wanna be with what they call a wigger or chav they are just easy 1 nighters or they do anything drunk but I dunno the rest of London let alone Britain so I cant generalize every women here but from my knowledge white girls are more likley to date black men here than the USA as the race relations here are not sensitive as the states.

    Overall British aint any easier than American girls and more likely to date a black man than an American girl

  6. British girls ey, I know where the next stop on my world tour will be :)


    Silly f**t, take it easy he's just playing. This question isn't serious.


    Yea it is, and I'm coming to get you..woooh woooh, here I come :)

  7. i hate q like this

    by british i suppose you mean white. some white girls here like black guys i suppose and date them. what's the big deal? this happens in america too. any group/race of people will have 'easy girls' including britain.

    latrell: the question sounds ignorant to me but whatever. no sweat

    and how r u so sure this question isnt this your 2nd account? ;D

  8. not just any black man

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