
British holidaymakers, troublemakers?

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I was reading an article on MSN Travel UK and it really made me cringe. It seems that us Brits are letting Britain down and making complete arses of ourselves! I mean, talk about demeening! The article is mainly about drunken deeds in which we take part in but it made me feel ashamed to be British. It seems to me that Britain is becoming more and more outrageous and just completely stupid! It's no wonder the restof the world hates us if even our Tourists can't even pay respect to a countries beliefs and regulations!

Here is the Link to the article:




  1. The British are in no way the only ones. Russians, Finns, Germans, and others are well known for their drunken behaviour.

    Package holidays from Britain are still ridiculously cheap compared with other countries, and it is no way ALL Brits.

    It's just cheap alcohol and bad policing.

  2. It is embarrassing and horrible that we are all tarred with the same brush.  Many people believe that we all need to be drunk all the time, need loud c**p music and be treated like five year olds all the time to have fun!  But I saw some pretty obnoxious German and Dutch youngsters when I was on holiday - which were almost as bad as the Brits!  

  3. In a lot of tourist destinations such as places in Spain the aim is to  attract Brits over and then fill them with as much alchol as possible -they keep sum tourist towns going -unfortunatly that leads to  fights ect

  4. Just avoid the 18-30 haunts and go places away from the boring pi$$-heads. Why on Earth people want to go to those general 'cities' by the sea and just get drunk is beyond me. I think now though, because of the credit crunch, fewer people will be travelling for a couple of years or so. It would be great if this minority of people could behave themselves when they went abroad. Alas, we ALL get tarred with the same brush hehehe.

  5. Our bad behaviour abroad masks that of other nationals. Came across some Russians in Croatia 2 years ago they made us Brits look like a Sunday school outing.

  6. Britain is Britain. we're not changing it just so other people respect us. they should respect us for being us!

  7. No one enjoys a pint better than the brits :)

  8. I was in Malia, Crete back in June.

    I should have done some research before I went or I certainly wouldn't have gone. According to the news it has turned into the new Falaraki.

    Every night we went out all we saw was people getting their head kicked in, puking everywhere, people so drunk they couldn't even walk and had to be carried, and actually people shagging!

    It was also saying on the news that they interviewed a doctor in Malia and he was saying he has an average of 85 women coming to him each day asking for the morning after pill.

  9. Yes, sadly, since we moved to Cyprus, where the crime rate is very low, i find it really embarrassing when there is any trouble in the clubs or bars, because you can almost guarantee its a bunch of drunken Brits. It really does make you ashamed to be British doesn't it? The other thing that makes me cringe is when I go to the local supermarket, and find British tourists wandering around, doing their shopping wearing bikinis, or fat men with no shirt on and a huge beer belly hanging out in front!!! What makes it okay to go shopping dressed in swimwear, just cos your on holiday? I doubt for one minute that they would dream of doing it in their local Tescos!! Yuk! Just the thought of it makes me shudder!

  10. I agree that it is bad for us when you see a bunch of drunken idiots annoying every one but it is not just a British thing, the Germans the Swedes, the Dutch are also pretty good at it as well , but that does not make things any better.

  11. Yep, I spent a month in Israel and only saw one drunk, a Brit.

  12. Its true that there is an element of brits that go abroad that dont care what they drink, what they do when they are drunk, who they sleep with or where.

    And it is demeaning.  They seem to have no self shame or worry about the fact that the rest of the world are watching them and judging all of us by this one lazy stupid element.

    We were in a ski resort once when a very rowdy english element arrived.  At the breakfast buffet we either stayed schtum or spoke in french so they didnt know we were brits.  They were awful.

    You dont see pictures of french or italian people behaving like this on holiday do you?

    I agree its cringemaking.

  13. i was reading something about that on yahoo news!

    Its so sad that they cant just enjoy a drink without cousing trouble!

    Here in greece its bad when u see the brits totally drunk on the street fighting and throwing up. but it really just them that do it!

    I am british by the way!

  14. True, but WHO comes to our country and respects our culture and traditions. No one- they all come and want us to change it for them!

  15. Nobody respects anybodies country.

    There's enough drunken yanks stumbling out of Irish bars in London to prove that point.

    People are on holiday letting off steam, I don't go in for that sort of thing personally but each to their own.

  16. there happy to take there cash and keep feeding them drink, so they must accept what comes with that, some people are just having fun and enjoying there visit to a foreign country, and of course some people can't help them selves there just idiots, that's what 18 to 30  holidays are for

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