
Britney Spears: love her? hate her? why?

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I personally love her. she's a great singer and i luv her music =) lol i've been a fan for a LONNNGGGG time




  1. i cant stand her!!! shes bloody annoying!!! all that money but shes got trash coming out of her A$$!!! lol or Kfed made sure it was goin in!!! lol bottom line...hate her, shes bloody stupid bla bla bla!!!!  

  2. LOVE HER!!

    she's a great singer and performer and also a very good actress!

    I never stopped supporting her and people should leave her alone and let her live her life.

  3. A bit of love and pity.

  4. i don't like her singing

    some of her behavior is inappropriate and annoying

    but i don't hate her by any means, she's just there

  5. i don't hate her, i don't like her....

  6. indifferent

    -time judges all.

    Love those schmoo shots in the limo though, cant decide if it was her lowest or highest point though.  

  7. srry but she's the new meaning of the word "r****d" and her sister is starting to go down the same path  

  8. I love her all her music

    she's not the best singer but the songs the personality the charisma the dancing the music video's

    have been a fan since i heard hit me baby

    my fave song of hers has to be oops i did it again or piece of me

  9. hate her.

    i hate her singing

    shes a w***e (its true)

    bad mother

    chris crocker likes her

    she always dressed like a s**t.

    terrible role model

  10. I am neutral with her, on a interesting side note one of my best friends relatives at one point got to meet britney in person while they were doing something for children, she told us that britney was nothing like what the media portrayed and said she was actually a very nice person.

  11. i like her when she was little (errr)

    like when she did "Lucky"

  12. I love her and I think me and her can make some beautiful babies... if only I weren't g*y. But yeah I have been a big fan since forever. When I was younger I would gather up my cousins and we would all put on a show dancing to her music. I of course was the choreographer... wow how did I ever doubt that I was g*y. lol  

  13. I don't love her or hate her, but I feel sorry for her. She is subjected to things no one deserves.

    I love her last CD though.

    "It's Britney, b*tch!"

  14. I totally love her great singer and performer..I always liked her especially with "toxic"..She's one of the best and always will be

  15. I LOVE HER!

    i love her music, and i love her as a person..

    my love towards her began when i first heard the song "hit me baby one more time"..  

  16. She was my only non-g*y crush...back in 3rd grade. The only time I really like her is in the South Park episode "Britney Watch"...that was funny as h**l!

  17. She's alright. Hope she has a good come back... again

  18. Love her!

    x]   I love her music!

  19. She's a train wreck.  She's long past her prime, and just a bad role model for teenage girls.

  20. I like her ..

    she has done some crazy *** **** but i think that's why i like her ...she is different from the rest of hollywood...but her sister //i don't really like her..i have a thing against teen preg tho soo

  21. I think she sucks her music will not be remembered in 30 years the way great music of the 60's 70's and 80's is and will be remembered.

  22. i ******* love her

    shes hot, lol

    and she can sing and dance

  23. One of my favorite songs to listen to is "Hit me baby one more time."

    I could deal without her drama but it's her drama, her life.  

  24. i'm really indifferent to britney. i don't love her and i don't hate her. i like some of her songs. i think its horrible how the media treats her. its almost like their trying to make her go crazy or something. thats just awful to put people on display like that.

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