
Britons, your thoughts on U.S. politics are requested: Why would 300M people channel all concern...?

by  |  earlier

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...toward an office they've no direct vote to affect?

And why would those same people deem 'pointless' the offices for which they do vote directly and who, collectively, can silence the presidency?

I'm getting nowhere, here... asking fellow yanks.

I read the news each day, oh boy!





  1. You don't know much about politics..

    Any politician who has a vote in the electoral college and doesn't want to commit career suicide will vote with w/e the majority of their state voted.

  2. You don't make a lot of sense really.  Every American's vote counts.

  3. Iam from Europe.

    And personally if Mccain wins, It'll be because the elction is rigged. If a nation where 66% of all americans condemn the Iraq war not vote Obama, then there is something very wrong.

    How is it possible to defeat Al Queada by sitting in Iraq when they operate in more than 80 countries?

    And besides, Mccain already has called China, Russia and Korea as USA's enemies on his website so that wont help him very good if he gets elected.

  4. Sorry for answering this late and I'm glad it stayed on the board so I could toss my 2 cents worth in there. I agree a hundred percent. Even if the electors vote for the majority presidential candidate of that state, the rest of the votes might have been a big push for a third party candidate. Even more than for the other major party cndidate. Congress and the senate can do more than people here think.  

  5. I'm an American... and this is my view of our system:

    The American system of government is collective madness guided by elites...

    I look upon my somehow adopted, somehow inherent country's system and see a bunch of people yelling, shouting and screaming at each other... nobody really does anything and things continue to be the same... everything is predetermined and there are two parties that are practically the same...

    When one party doesn't work, people "vote" for one... when that doesn't work, they "vote" for the other... and just switch back and forth between two failed parties...

    In the mean time, as the people are distracted pointing out the flaws in their politicians, the elites and the Federal reserve make all of the important decisions... and the people can't and won't really do anything to change it... they are too busy running around and screaming at each other like idiots...

    blindly supporting this guy or that guy and bashing the other like what comes out of their insignificant mouths actually means something...

    But you know what... we are better than any s****. British b*****d...

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