
Britons: What could the host country possibly do in the 2012 Olympics?

by Guest44950  |  earlier

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...To improve upon the impressive display and organisation of the recent Beijing Olympics?




  1. well according to the national poll:

    85% dont think the olympics are a waste of money and that they are very good for business and culture.

    15% think the olympics are a waste of money etc.

    So whether the 15% like it or not, they have been overruled and the olympics will carry on and London 2012 will be the next greatest show on EARTH!!!

  2. To get better in sports, just get Americans to become British. Just pray that some defining history moment occurs then that will be at par with the Beijing games.

  3. Just Have it and it'll be better. They don't even have to do one thing and the treatment of the press and athletes families will already be better.

  4. exclude australia for being bad losers and rubbish anyway

  5. yes that would be great if we could do that.

    We will never be able to compete with the likes of the usa but if we do our best then thats ok.

  6. I say hide, lock the door, pretend were out and spend the money on something usefull.  

  7. I would say less pomp and pageantry and more "getting back to the roots" of what it is about i.e sport.

    Low Key = Good

  8. employ unbiased referees and umpires

  9. it annoys me that there are kids on the street,

    people who cant afford to eat,

    so we decide to spend all the money doing some sport event.

  10. how about us not actually hold the Olympics?

    It's a waste of time anyway

  11. silly americans think judges are employed by host country, how sad.

  12. not much, Beijing was pretty much perfect  

  13. According to Boris, we will impress "in our own sweet way", whatever that may mean.  I just hope they don't roll out the usual, over-used images of  "Britishness" though.  Bulldogs and red buses and all that.  Yaaawn...

  14. Think of the amount of student flats we could build with that money....and all the hoodies we could buy!

  15. not infringe human rights?

    and not knock down people's homes to fit everything in?

    and maybe even not lock up people we don't want the world to see?

  16. I think they will make it special.  I dont see any country putting on as amazing as show as China did.  I would say possibly making it more personal...intimate and uniqe in a British way would make it a great games.  I have full confidence they will do a wonderful job...I feel sorry for them that a lot of the big money companies who donate to the host country have pulled out after Beijing...that will make it a little hard...but those kinds of challenges I think make peoples best come out.

  17. I'm still thinking that a huge parade of Routemaster buses would be good.

    Boris would certainly like it.

    And it's about the only thing we could afford anyway - having some old, stinking buses driving around in circles for a while with all the athletes inside.

  18. spend less money then china 1000$ per sec during the opening and closing ceremonies  

  19. Please do not fall into the trap of trying to top Beijing. This is not what Olympics is all about. Just try to host it the best you can. Make the city safe. It shouldn't be used by countries to show off.

  20. motorhead fan, how is it a waste of time, you only have to see the effect the commonwealth games had on Manchester, in terms of revenue and development. The games are the biggest catalyst for urban regeneration there is.

    Anyway, we need to make sure everything is constructed in time first, no more delays and necessary expenditure like Wembley.

  21. What are you so worried about, London has already hosted the Olympics twice, and hasn't messed up yet.

    Just have the opening ceremony be in several sections on these topics: Ancient Britons, Rome founds London, King Arthur, Saxons, mead, Vikings, beer, plague, castles, Normans, ale, Edward Longshanks, William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, the Royal Navy, fish and chips, and the Rolling Stones.

    And you can win the most gold medals easily, all you have to do is spend enough money and maybe cheat a little bit.

    btw don't repeat don't use Elton John in the opening or closing ceremonies. Elton John is not the great performer some people think he is. He's a sap.


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