
Brits, what do you have to say about foreign nations buying out your companies?

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Indian companies have been on a buying spree over the past few years, snapping up companies across the globe. Some of the biggest and most high-profile have involved British firms (Tata Motors' parent company, alone, has bought tea makers Tetley and steel giant Corus. They also acquired ownership of Jaguar and Land Rover. Just a few days ago, an Indian oil company bought a British oil company for $2.3 billion dollars) and that's likely to continue. Indian ownership of Britain companies have doubled over the past 4 years, according to Time Magazine.,8599,1730172,00.html?xid=rss-world

I'm American. In our country, it's the Chinese buying out our debt, land, companies, etc. I know our time is up...I just didn't think it would be these two nations that would outstrip America's supremacy. It's worrying how powerful these two nations are becoming, even when they have people living in dire poverty.




  1. I feel very concerned about foreign company's buying up the assets of this country!Why?When events get 'tight' these foreign company's can just close down  or redeploy anywhere in world at a minutes notice;Thus making thousands unemployed.

    Also the financial wealth of the country is being exported and is not being re invested back into the country!

    I feel America is just about now experiencing what European countries have been going through for the last 30years!

  2. That is the joys of a free market!

    HSBC is a UK company.  It was formed by a Brit, has its headquarters in the UK and many of its shareholders are British.

    When it comes to foreign investors, I have no problem with them, so long as we are allowed to invest in the country they are from.  Sadly, this seems not to be the case with India and China.

  3. It is a most stupid tactic. it cuts research, profits are spent abroad and not here. Even rented houses are owned by foreign companies. Britain never never will be slaves???

    The other leg has bells on    

  4. Under the Treaty of Lisbon, it won't matter what any Brit thinks. Whatever the EU elite decides, that will be their new world.

    At least in the U.S. there is still a precious chance that the people can take back their government and country.

  5. They've been doing it since the 80's our Gas, Water and Electricity to name a few so this is not a new concept. How do I feel? I feel nothing, as long as they keep supplying the goods.

  6. That's where you go wrong, America never did have any supremacy.

  7. I'm OK with it--on the strict proviso that the United States are DISALLOWED from buying.

  8. You only hear the bad news.  UK companies are buying up foreign ones all the time too, but nobody cares about that.

    Britain's financial industry is globally unassailable.  HSBC is a British bank and is by far the largest in the world.

  9. if it weren`t for these people we would really be in the sh*t, there`s only foreign nations with money nowadays to keep Britain afloat and give us jobs.

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