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Alright, I am 12(almost 13) and I really love Broadway, and I love singing dancing and acting so much. And when I grow up I really want to be in a Broadway production. So are their like any helpful tips you can give me. I know I should got to like acting camps and do drama club in school. Probalby take singing lessons. But like what kind of dance classes should I take (ballet, tap, jazz??) ***i've danced for 5 years, i started when I have 3 then quit, and I just want to take classes that will help with Broadway stuff.


What type of dance classes?

Should I go to New York City and audition for kid roles and a young age?

Should I even try to go for this?

Thanks for all of your help!




  1. Jazz would be an excellent class to take, along with your singing and acting. But I wouldn't go to NY and audition for roles at this point, as you don't seem to have enough experience and training. Start off a little smaller and work your way up.

    You should definitely try! As long as you go into to this with the idea that not many people make it to Broadway (especially a teenager/adult in their 20's), but that you still think that you'd love to sing, dance & act even if you don't get paid/ never become famous because you LOVE it.

  2. i want to be on Broadway also, and here's a tip:

    whatever you do, DO NOT look up to Miley Cyrus (or any other Disney star, for that matter) as your idol. they and their "talent" is not real. it takes a LOT more than a famous father to get onto the Broadway stage.

    vocal lessons. learn how to sight sing. dance classes. get back into the "swing" (no pun intended). and take a low-pressure acting class, but try a few exercises on your own. try doing monologues, taping them and putting them on youtube or something, and see what people think. you can do it, darling!!

    you know you love me. xoxo, gossip girl ;)
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