
Brock Lesner or Bobby Lashley?

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Who would win in a real street fight?

I think Lesner all the way




  1. Brock Lesnar is a power house to me cause if u can remeber he is the only wrestler who has given A Belly To Belly Suplex to the Big Show whereas Boooobby Lashley is like a fish (i cant remeber the name of that fish) who tries to show other that he is bigger(B Lashley can hardly delivers his lame finisher to the Show on his final match back in 2006)

    So my vote is going  to Lesnar

  2. Well, Lashley's been in the military, and I'm not going to underestimate him. But Lesnar's collegiate wrestling accomplishments are greater than Lashley's, I think, and Lesnar's a mixed martial artist now while I have no idea what Lashley's doing, so Lesnar.

  3. i have to say lashley  on this one

  4. They both know MMA fighting, very buff, great athleticism. Bobby has a military backgroung and he has anger. Brock is always playing around and Bobby is always serious. Idk but I would have to say Bobby Lashly just cause he knows a bit of extream.

  5. Bobby Lashley - He has the military experience. He was a great amateur wrestler and he hasn't lost weight. Brock Lesner has apparently lost a lot of body mass since he left the WWE. He still has a lot to learn.  

  6. I agree with the guy above me havent seen Lashley fight

    But if you look at lesner in UFC he is A BEAST

    So i would say Lesner would destroy good ol Lashley

  7. Well thats a tough one but i have to say Lashley could pull off a h**l of a fight on Brock

  8. Brock Lesnar  

  9. Brock Lesner would kick Bobby Lashley *** in a real Street Fight.  Because Brock has more experience with weapens and Bobby has less experience with weapons and wrestling matches that had weapons.

  10. brock lesnar.. 'coz he's a mixed martial artist & he's stronger so there's a great possibility that he'll beat the h**l out of bobby lashley, regardless of the latter's athleticism..

  11. u may be right but then again I have never seen Bobby in a real fight so I really cant say but I have seen Brock in the ufc and yea he is good.

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