
Broke A Diet - (Step Two) Burning It Off?

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So I broke my diet and ate two chocolate chip cookies. I didn't really think it was a big deal but I feel if I let this slide, I will let bigger things slide and there goes the diet all together.

I'm normally not much of a calorie counter, it's just "eat healthy foods" but I'm making an exception. I know it is normally different but on average, how many calories are in a chocolate chip cookie and what can I do to burn it off (anything but running, please. The weather isn't all too nice at the moment)





  1. It's okay to treat yourself on a diet every once in a while. They do make healthier cookies, or reduced calories snacks. I keep some in the house if I'm seriously craving some junk food. Anyway, the calories, that depends on the size of the cookie. My friend had one the other day... it was one of the jumbo ones, maybe 3-4 inches in diameter. It was 375 calories, and 170 of them were fat calories. To burn it off and feel better about it, you can hit the gym and go on a treadmill, spinner, or another cardio machine of choice. Then lift some weights to build muscle. (This should be done anyway. There is more to a diet than just eating right and one kind of exercise. The gym offers a good variety! You need to build muscle to burn more fat!) If you do not have a gym membership... I suggest you get one if it's in your budget. I have a Planet Fitness, and they have $10 and $20 a month plans! The YMCA is reasonable for families or High Schoolers. Anyway, if you don't have one... just do some kind of exercise. Good old sit-ups, turn on some exercise tapes or a TV channel, just do your own kind of dance and incorporate moves you would see in a video. JUST MOVE lol! Simple as that. =) Good luck.

  2. Hi, i'm also dieting and have had a bit of a habbit recently to have a sneak peak in the fridge but i say to myself "you'll regret it when you've eaten it!".

    But 2 chocolate chip cookies aint gonna stick a roll on you.

    You do actually burn calories doing nothing, but i would just run up and down the stairs a couple a times!

    Don't worry about it, and remember to treat your self every now and then e.g after sticking to healthy eating for a week, have 1 glass of wine/a cookie etc!

    Just dont reward yourself everyday lol!

    Good Luck x =)

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