
Broke college student..

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everyone has been there at some point..i've been working all summer for my parents company, and i've made pretty good money, but i'm heading back to school. i'm on partial athletic scholarship, and i play during the spring..i'm interning in the fall, but its unpaid, and i'll be doing workstudy(pay isn't THAT great)..but when i come home next summer, i'm interning again..unpaid..and i'm probably going to aim applying for a projectionist job at the movies..but i really need a good job..i'm 20..and i just don't know where to apply, my major is mass comm video broadcasting, and i love it..and i'm moving out in 2 years..i don't come from a rich family..i just need to work more, and save up...any advice?




  1. When I was in college there was this kid who came around to my dorm room every night selling grilled cheese sandwitches.  There was another who bought and sold text books.  The options are limitless.  Use your imagination.  

  2. Don't do any of those online surveys or other work at home scams. They are all rip offs!! If you are on an athletic scholarship could you tutor younger kids in your sport? You will just have to do something like waitress or fast food or something like that. They at least work with your schedule. Have you talked with your college adviser and professors about summer jobs in your field? You may want to do that, they may have some leads. Good Luck!

  3. Ask your teachers.  You'd be surprised how many people they know.  They can offer you advice on where to work now to get the job you want tomorrow.

  4. Something i would consider is  that you work online and take surveys. It does not take a lot of time either.They pay you well and its decent cash. You do not have to pay a dime to earn money. They send you a check every month. For more information check out this.  It soudns to good to be true but it is. Any questions please email me at

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