
Broke up with my bf of 2 years now i feel sad an depressed?

by  |  earlier

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i been with him for 2 years an we never had alot in common an we are diff in alot of ways i am active he is very laid back he smokes an i dont care for it but for some reason i feel so bad i broke up with him last night an now i just want to cry an mope around an i am depressed i feel like i am making the wrong choice but i know that it is good for both of us but i dont know what to do i try to stay busy but i dont have nothing to do an i been crying all day should i take him back or what i dont know we r just so diff an we fight everyday off we get please help




  1. it is a part of life move on babe dont be so sad dont cry if u cry that means ur not confident about ur self be brave ask ur self.. do u deserve to get a better bf than him ? if ur answer is yes ,forget him.. let the time pass away time is a best pain and memory killer,,, now smile please,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,aah same like this keep smiling now ok

  2. Before you question yourself if it's making the wrong choice or not, think about what made you date him in the first place. Does he respect you often? or tries his best to make you happy? It's not a healthy relationship when one or both of the couples are sad. Since you guys seem to fight alot, then its obviously not a healthy relationship. In your mind, you feel as if he is the only good guy on earth, and you are unable to look elsewhere. That isn't true, there are lots of guys out there, and one of them is the right one, or twin soul. Each person in this world has that one person out there who can make them happy. If your relationship only causes you pain, don't let it repeat, move on and away from the horrible past! Stop moping and get inspired.  

  3. DO NOT take him back just because you are sad.  It sounds like you knew what you had to do and if you weren't happy w/your relationship the way it was, picture it 10 yrs from now w/children.  What a mess.  Your just going through the normal feelings of giving up something you're use to having.  You'll be ok.  Get yourself back out there and have some fun.  I went through a similar situation and at the time didn't have any friends to hang out w/so I went out by myself.  I didn't care.  It worked and I'm so glad I did it, I'm happily married for 13 yrs to the love of my life w/four children and I'm so glad thinking back on my life w/my ex and I knew then I wouldn't be happy now.  I was NEVER in love w/him just used to him and settling.  Good luck to you and get out there girl and let loose.  Let life find you and you find life.

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