
Broken Bones???

by  |  earlier

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well i want to know how many bones you broke on any kind of motorcycle i broke 15 bones on motorcycles.




  1. I can't remember all of the broken bones, but....

    March 20th 2005, Erie CO

    I missed a double during practice and took the handlebars to the gut. I broke three ribs, severed my pancreatic duct (now have chronic pancreatitis) and got an incomplete T12 spinal cord injury. I spent 46 days in the hospital and still spend most of my paycheck on medical issues from that.

    I DID go back and ride one more time once I could, at the same track and decided that I have bigger passions.

    ** I must admit that I do still own a 1986 Yamaha BW80, that I ride around the pits when I go to races with my buddies**

  2. Riding 16 years: Street and dirt. Only broke the ankle and the femur...both required 4 surguries total and a total of 4 screws and 2 pins combined...oh yeah and some cadaver bone.

    The doctors broke the femur once all by themselves trying to remove the hardware after it healed....if anyone is having doctors remove their hardware...not a bad idea always...just think about whether or not the benefits will outweight the risks-for you.

  3. i broke 2 on a moter cycle

  4. 4.

  5. well in my (5 years of raceing lol) i never broke a bone, but i whenever i crashed i would get bad road rash

    but my dad, he's broken i believe his leg, sprained his wrist, ankle and then the worst broke his caller bone!! he had to be in the hospital. and he still today was a scar cuz the bone stickes out father then the other one cuz he doesn't want to go back to the hospital and take that plastic plate out they put there to begin with! lol

    but yea i've been racing since i was 6 and quit when i was like 11. just don't ask y.... lol

  6. (1) 9 concussions

    (2) Broke left side jaw bone

    (3) Broke nose cartridge 4 times

    (5) Broke both shoulders (left side twice/right side once)

    (6) Broke all my ribs

    (7) Punctured a lung

    (8) Broke left femur

    (9) Broke left shin

    (10) Hyper-extended left knee(twice)

    (11) Shattered left ankle(6 places)

    (12) Hyper extended entire left leg(hip to ankle)

    (13) Broke left foot(folded in half)

    (14) broke all my toes(both feet)

    (15) Crushed C4 and C6 in my back

    (16) Broke all my fingers(both hands)

    (17) Broke both wrist(left wrist three times/right wrist twice)

    (18) Broke right elbow(twice)

    (19) Broke left forearm

    (20) I have in total of 12 screws in my body, 5 injury scars, 8 surgery scars,

    All of this was done over the years of racing MX and FMX......Oh yeah, I forgot about the paper cut i got the other day from opening my box of new dirt bike parts(does that count)

  7. barry m you are full of ****


    2 toes.

    1 ankle.

    Knee chipped.

    Thigh. (Worst pain ever)

    Dislocated wrist.

    Ditto Shoulder.

    Pinkie finger.


    Only, Arm once. Full double bone replacement with multi angle elbow joint. 6 Operations and 2 "Doohan cages"

    Badly twisted back & a black eye from falling into the toilet door at the pub last year!!
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