
Broken Cat Leg!?!? How to Treat?!?!?!?

by Guest61715  |  earlier

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my cat Jammy is hurt. before you would like to continue i will not call SPCA on my family or friends. my stupid brother dropped him and he is 17 and really tall. and now my cat is limping on his front right leg. im 15 and currently in beijing and there are no safe pet hospitals at ALL! my cat can still jump off the table but cant jump on it. my mom is being an idiot. and wont let me take him anywhere. so i have first aid kits and stuff. but i dont know how to treat it. and plus the farthest he can walk are 4 steps. hes limping. and remember its his front right leg. im panicing!!! Please help. im open to suggestions. please please please!!! and i hate to let him down!




  1. Jammy needs a vet, not Yahoo!.

  2. Knowing a lot about animals Unfortunately have to say that calling the RSPCA or SPCA (whatever you have in your country) would be the best idea. Go to you local vet (in beijing) and have the wound treated. DO NOT TRY ANYTHING WITH THE FOOT UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO BY A VET. Doing this could be the ONLY option if you want a healthy cat.

    Hope I helped.

    Good luck

  3. your cats leg is not broken.

    If it can put any weight on it, the cat will recover.

  4. Ok, first off how long has it been since he was dropped? If it's only been a few minutes he could just be sore and being careful. If it's been awhile and he still isn't putting weight on it then it's very important to get him to a vet. There has to be a good veterinary hospital there. People in china do keep pets.... If you leave a broken leg to mend on it's own it may not mend properly or worse yet gangrene may set in. Meanwhile, until you find a vet to take him to keep him somewhere quiet and just let him rest. Most important stay calm, you being upset will upset him. I hope kitty is just bruised and recovers quickly. Best wishes.

  5. I'm going to assume that your brother dropped him by accident.

    You can't treat the animal yourself, he MUST see a vet.

    This link has a list of good animal hospitals in Beijing, take the cat to the closest one.

  6. stupid people..i dont care if you freaking hit that abuse button me..but gezzus frikin christ.

  7. Okay. Yes you're mom is being an idiot but a smart idiot in fact. NO wait until you come back don't trust china with your animals (alot of offense) but it's true. Just don't let it walk and apply bands all around it's leg. Make sure it has water and food that he can reach. Good luck doll didn't mean to come at you I didn't read the whole story just by looking at the bold part pisst me off :P sorry and good luck

  8. take it to the vet

    Poor thing, i absolutely love cats, i have two


    Can't you take him to the vet, get the surgery done to reset the leg and take him home straight after the surgery?

    He need to have surgery to reset the leg to heal properly. If he doesn't have the neccessary surgery the bone won't set right and he may also need to have his leg amputated.

    Number 1; after surgery completely

    Number 2; bring him home & NO jumping off or own as much as possible. He need's to be in a small room with the door close and prevent any activity.

    Top 10 vet hospital in your area

    Beijing Pet Hospital

    Peking Devotion Animal Hospital

    BOAI Animal Hospital

    Beijing PUPPYTOWN Animal Hospital

    The Angel Pet Hospital

    Beijing Wang Kang Animals Hospital

    Beijing Jing Xi Pet Hospital

    Beijing Evergreen Animal Hospital

    The Naughty Pet Hospital

  10. How long ago did this happen?  Cats can usually withstand a pretty good fall, he might just have twisted himself or even hurt his paw pads.  If it just happened I would wait a little bit and see if he recovers, like overnight.  You should immobilize his leg by making a splint and wrapping it securely. If you have a tongue depresser in your first aid kit, that would be perfect, otherwise, a popsicle stick or even  a pencil (without a sharp end of course and remove the lead would be great) anything you can find around the house to keep the leg from bending is what you need.  if you have an ace bandage or wrapping tape, use it.  If not, try putting a sock over the splint and wrapping tape around it to keep the splint in place.  If the leg doesn't improve, I would have a serious talk with your mom about getting him to an animal hospital.  Hope this helps, good luck to you and your kitty!

  11. First, if he is walking and putting a bit of weight on it, then he may just be really hurt. Possibly not a break.

    Does it look obviously broken?? If it really does, he needs to see a vet.

    Otherwise, make him comfy and make sure he is eating and drinking plenty of fluids. Make sure his catbox is on one side of his bed and his food/water on the other.  He may feel better in a couple of days, if it isn't broken. Just make him as comfortable as possible, so he doesn't walk on it too much. BTW, punch your brother for me..or break his leg.

    Good luck, and try saying a prayer for your cat.

  12. I think you will have to take him to the vet.  Don't tell them how it happened though.  I don't know what to do about your mum though.  Is there any other adult family or friend you could get on your side for the sake of your cat?  

  13. It's probable that he needs surgery to set the bone, which you won't be able to do at home.  No safe hospitals, what do you mean by safe?  There's no animal shelters he can receive help at as an alternative?  The cat need Vet attention! Take the cat to an adult who can get it help, ignore any idiots, this is an emergency.

  14. hey

    do you live in beijing? i m slightly confused because i didnt know you could travel around with animals without quarrantine etc?

    anyhow i will just reitterate the others- it may recover okay, i had a cat who i thought was going to die (i stepped on her hard as i fell down stairs- she slipped between my legs when i was carrying a heavy box then she ran into my downward stumble line) and after 4 or 5 hours she started to recover and the next day was fine but initially she seemed badly hurt like semi paralyzed and unable to eat/move/wash/stand you never know she may be ok good luck

  15. It has to be set at a vet, because cats go nuts if they can't get something off their paw and this may cause more damage if you just left it alone it requires a cast and unless you are an expert at splint and paper mache, I would not reccomend this.  If you have an affinity for this kind of work you still have to sedate the cat until the cast cures.  Sorry about this accidents happen otherwise there would be no Veterinarians.

  16. You can't take her to a vet... that's just sad.

    Anyways if you really can't but you can surely call them :).

    Use your PHONE and ask what they suggest, since getting out of the house is not an option.

    You really must see a vet if you are not an expert in the field.

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