
Broken Engagement & Gifts?

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Earlier this month I broke off my engagement. I caught him cheating. I packed up all my things (we lived together) and moved out. I did give him back the engagement ring as there will be no marriage. He has just emailed me demanding for me to give him back a diamond ring that he gave me for our first valentines day as a gift. I have not asked him to return any of the gifts that I gave him. The ring is worth about $4,000.00

When I moved in with him he made me get rid of all my things to blend into his life. I literally moved in with my clothes and my car. Now he's trying to take away gifts!

Legally can he come after me for the ring? If he tries how do I go about defending myself?




  1. The ring is yous to keep, tell him you earn it for the BS and embarrassment that he just put you through. It is legally yours.

  2. Nope he can't. It was a gift. Legally he could ask for the engagement ring(which you already gave back) because it was a "contract" but a gift is  yours to keep

    Although if he proposed on an anniversary or holiday..that's considered a gift as you could have kept the engagement ring too if that was the case

  3. No, he can't come after you for anything that was a gift. While an engagement ring is a "conditional gift" that legally belongs to the giver when the condition (upcoming marriage) is no longer met, any other gift belongs to the person it was given to. Don't let him bully you.

  4. yes i think he can tak you to court  

  5. he cant get the ring back.honestly,just give him the can make a clean break from him.why do you want to keep it your own ring and give him his back.he will be out of your life for good that way.

  6. No, he has no LEGAL ground to stand on.  In fact, he doesn't even have a MORAL or ethical ground to stand on.  Legally, when he gave that ring to you as a GIFT, it became yours.  You didn't even have to give him the engagement ring back either but that was very nice of you considering he cheated.  If I were you, I'd change my phone number, email addresses, etc and just stop all contact with him.  Be sure to stay safe if you think he might physically come after you.  If you feel unsafe for any reason, ask for help.  If he starts harrassing you, go to the cops.  He has no legal ground to stand on!

  7. Nope.  It was a gift.

  8. No, anything given as a gift, he can not take back. If he shows up acting all tough, or is going to hurt you, have phone in hand and 911 on speed dial.  

  9. was a gift.  The only thing that you should return is (was) the engagement ring.  You did it right--don't second guess yourself.

    And I'd like to comment on how refreshing it is to see a woman on here with self-respect to walk away from a loser!  He will REGRET it...someday, if he isn't already...maybe that's why he is making things DIFFICULT with you...he is really mad at himself!

  10. omg. I've gone through the same exact situation it's like looking back at my past. I Lived with him and he cheated, I gave back the engagement ring (no problem), but the ring from valentines was probably considered a gift, so I would'nt. What is he gonna do with it? give it to his other G?F..come on now. I'm sure you have bought him things in the past as well and your not asking for it back.  He really needs to grow up.

  11. Legally he can't come after you for the ring.  It was a gift with no restrictions.  If you hadn't given back the engagement ring he could have sued you, but you already gave it to him.

  12. He has no legal recourse to come after you with the ring because it was a gift.  Keep it if you want with no explanations necessary for him and ignore the email.  Alternatively you could pawn it or put it on ebay and let him know he can purchase it there if he wants it back so badly :)  

    Also, I am impressed that you gave back the engagement ring even though he cheated.  I would have sold that, too, for revenge.  Best of luck with your future relationships and don't get with someone this controlling again for your own sake.

  13. Nope! He can't take it! It was a gift, period! Next time he calls just tell him it looks real good when your getting a poney ride! LOL

    If he even attempted to try, the worst that would happen is you would go to court and tell the judge "It was a gift!"

  14. keep the ring. he cheated!!

  15. No, he cannot ask you to give back a gift.  You did the right thing by returning the engagement ring.

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