
Broken camera, mom is going to kill me when I tell her?

by  |  earlier

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I was using my mom's camera and then the doorbell rang, so i put the camera down but i accidentally knocked it down and it fell almost 3 FEET!! The camera still had its lenses extended but it turned off. Then when I turned it on, it said ZOOM ERROR so I stupidly tried to straighten it and push it back in. I heard buzzing and cracking noises, and now i broke it. I remember it costs a lot, approx. $300. and the warranty doesn't cover it.

Should i tell my parents?

Also, it has happened before, almost a year ago. I dropped the old digital camera with the lens extended. They were really angry so what should I do? Any advice?

Thank you in advance.




  1. They will find out sooner or later ... you may as well tell them.

    From your last sentence, is seems you have not learned from your first disaster.

    You need to buy your own camera and get one of the Olympus SW series cameras designed for people who drop cameras from time to time ... on the ground or into water.

  2. Wow that sucks, especially since this is the second camera you've broken in a year. I suggest that you tell them yourself...soon, because they'll only get more angry when they find out themselves later. I also suggest that you offer to pay for the damages, or if you don't have the money, offer to do extreme chores to make up for it.

    Either way, they're going to be very mad at you.

  3. You're going to have to own up to it at some point.

    It's your choice however when you want to break the news (when she's angry demanding to know what happened or when she's calm and you can explain the whole thing).

    My advice- pick a time and ask her if she has a few minutes to talk. Explain what happened. Expect her to be mad (her new camera doesn't work), give them a moment to calm down and offer to help out with a new camera (you can work out the details with her)

    good luck!

  4. I bought a digital camera that is called a Millenia - after 3

    excellent  Sonys that I dropped often, this one is great !!! And,

    my FDMavica sonys still work !!! Tell your mom the truth -she is your mom - how is a camera more important than YOU !

  5. Tell them what happened. What else can you do. They already know your butterfingered.

  6. sux to be you, Be honest though.

    Honestly is really the best policy.

  7. Start measuring yourself for a coffin.

    The Rat

  8. If it was 300 new it must be 100-150 used. Tell your parents sorry and you will buy them another one. If you want to be a adult this is what an adult would do

  9. Buy your own camera, after you replace theirs. Drop yours a couple of times at your expense, then maybe you might act more responsibly.

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