
Broken families and homes are the main causes of most social problems today.?

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Parenting skills develop over time and not many parents have the patience to acquire that skills.




  1. I do agree to a certain point. Broken homes or step families cause an enormous amount of pain and anguish. Feelings of not belonging, loneliness and seeking attention from elsewhere must have a huge impact. I don't think its so much to do with education, more to do with parents recognising the problems and dealing with them at home through help and support instead of ignoring or washing their hands of these situations.

  2. Not so much broken homes but a generation of parents with little or no education..

  3. Social problems arise from the breakdown of society itself and the patent knowledge the system we live under is inherently unfair and self serving to the ruling class.

    Read the news, public officials arrested and hopefully jailed for betrayal of the public "trust", police infractions etc.....the kids don't buy the lie any more and why should they?

    The fabric of society is tatty and the kids know that adults expect values from them that they don't aspire to themselves.

    Concrete jungles dont make good playgrounds.

  4. I disagree, It takes more than a couple of parents to teach children.  All those that they are around when very young will have some to do with what the child will be when older.  

    I find that parents want too much for their children and therefore have to work hard and during the process they actually neglect their children.  Two working parents are often the formula for a child that never learns how to be part of a family.  

    Some do very well in spite of the parents and some parents are very good about teaching their young.  

    The fact that most think they do not need others such as neighbors is one real problem in the developed areas.

  5. I think the goverment has to take some of the blame.These days most working class families are practically encouraged to split up.I personally would be nearly £100 a week better off finacially if i didn't live with my partner who works full time while i look after kids,so when things get hard its now easier to just split up than work through it.The government needs to encourage family life MUCH more.

  6. Agree completely (particularly with boys!)

    Good role models are what are needed. Bounderies & discipline are essential.

    A well balanced approach is what is lacking these days.

  7. So - does that mean that children who were separated from their fathers during WW 2 grew up to be evil little monsters?

    I think not.

    What we should be worrying about is the breakdown of the wider family unit, where the aunts, uncles and grandparents all took responsibility for the younger members of the family.

  8. dont agree at all. i think you couldnt be more wrong. i have 1 brother and 1 sister im now 23 and my parents broke up when i was 6. i have not spoken to my mum since that day and i have been raised by my dad. my brother owns his own business is getting married next year, my sis is married and has 1 child.her husband is a teacher. i am married i have 2 kids and i work full time selling wife is training to become a teacher also. i think the problem lays with the parents that just cannot control their kids its not always a broken home.take a look around you and you will see that most of these kids have 2 parents.... its more a case of what kind of role model they are for their kids rather than what upbringing their kids are having.

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