
Broken finger?what should i do?

by Guest10942  |  earlier

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i broke my finger back in may playing football(soccer) and it still hurts loads . even more so when i use that hand to pick things up

it stopped for a while but ever now n then my finger kills like ive rebroke it

its not outta shape or distorted

anything i can do to make the pain go away permantly




  1. Yes go to a doctor and have an xray

  2. You might have some nerve should probably see your doctor.

  3. ice it a lot... take ibuprofin or naproxen (aleve). you may want to see a doctor to make sure that its not still broken and to make sure that it healed properly

  4. Well, from the sound of it, it is probably dislocated, in which case, if you are brave, mess around with it and pop it back in place (ouch!) But, if you don't want to do that ( I wouldn't) then you should see a doctor and they should get it back in place for you. after that happens just leave it alone for a while and it should heal. If you are positive it is broken, then see a doctor to diagnose the problem and maybe he can give you some painkillers or something.

  5. go to the doctor...he'll give you a splint and prescribe you some medicine to help with your pain.

    for now...keep it iced 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off and if you have some pain meds, take those as well.

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