
Bromeliad/pineapple help! which is the best way to plant a pineapple?

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Ok theres 2 ways of planting a pineapple bush one way is to take the crown ( top of the pineapple) and leave the flesh on it and just put it in the grown heres a link of how this works

Then theres step 2 remove the flesh and bottom leaves of the crown and let it out for 1-3 days then plant it heres a link of how this works

so my Q is wich way is the best way to plant a pineapple crown? way 1 or way 2?




  1. Most commercial operations use method 2.  It is the surest.

  2. When planting according to example # 1, you risk the chance of the plant rotting before it roots. I have planted pineapple twice and they have bared fruit both times. I  think # 2 is your best bet. It takes awhile but is well worth it. Good luck.

  3. The best way is the second. For a start you get to eat the pinapple and that's the point isn't it?

    Pineapples are grown in the ground singly as a commercial crop but if they're left to develop naturally they're a bush that makes a good natural thorny hedge. Grown like that the pinapples are smaller but supply is better and more constant.

    When your top has dried out strip off some lower leaves as well and you'll probably see some little bumps that are the vestigial roots.

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