
Brooke Bennett's parents are asking for donations to help with the cost of her burial. Would you give?

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Many of you know how I feel about this girls parents! I place much of the blame for their daughters death on them.

I would like to see this poor innocent child recieve a proper burial however what happens to proceeds in such a case? Are the parents given the remaining funds? Are the parents allowed to spend it in any way they wish? The account that is set up is in their name only, not under any special fund. I would hate to see them "gifted" or "rewarded" by any remaining money. For this reason, I would not donate. Would you?




  1. I would not donate but that's mostly because we can't afford to right now. With prices on everything so high, I don't know how most people could donate. I also don't understand why they would ask for donations from the public...have a spagetti dinner or something for friends and family. I mean just because it's a high profile case doesn't change anything. If my child died I wouldn't be able to just go public and ask for money.

  2. I hope that while you are upset at her "parents" that you know that she had two sets-- a mother and step-father who are the ones who had custody and were related to the uncle who has been charged as well as a father and a step-mother who are getting attacked but had no custody and are blameless.

    Either way, it is very easy to be angry and pass out blame when something horrible happens. I too have mixed feelings about the custodial parents. However, if this anger is becoming overwhelming or obsessive, I think you may want to seek counselling.

  3. I have often wondered this myself - how do you 'know' what those funds are used for?   I don't know if there is anyway to donate for a specific cost when it is a nationally publicized case like this.

    If you are determined, then perhaps you can track down the name of the funeral home who buried her and see if they will accept an donation for that specific cost.

  4. I'm not being a smart alec here. It is an honest question. Who is Brooke Bennett and what happened to her?

    ETA: Thank you for the link, Nana. That is sick and disgusting. Sorry, but if I knew that my brother or brother-in-law was a convicted s*x offender, and that my husband or former husband was one as well, I wouldn't let my children anywhere near those sick people. My children are absolutely too precious to risk their lives in such a way.

    As for donating, if you feel uneasy about donating to the family to help with burial costs, then there's a reason that you feel uneasy about it. Perhaps saying a prayer for the girl and praying that she does have a beautiful funeral would be better.

    Personally, I wouldn't donate to a cause that made me feel uneasy.

  5. Absolutely not. I feel her mom (and Aunt Denise) are the sole ones at blame here--for more at blame then Vermonts pittiful judicial system...and that says alot.

    However, I have followed this case from the day her body was found and then backtracked a week to have the full understanding as to what was happening. Threrefore, can say, undoubtfully that some of the comments that have been left have been writen based on stupidity. The noncoustodial parents (her real father and step mom) DID *try* to talk to Brookes mom about the uncle when they learned that he had been convicted of raping a minor and learned how he had been sexual back in 1985 with another family member who at the time was 8. Her MOTHER did not feel the need to worry about her brother in law and do her motherly duty by protecting her child to whatever extreme necessary. But, allowed her to go around this man....hoping that nothing bad would ever happen! The non coustodial parents talked to brooke often about if her uncle made her feel uncomfortable (i learned through a fox news interview) and brooke never said he did. They constantly reassured brooke that she could come to them with anything and they would be there. SO, i feel that they did what they could do to protect brooke as best they could considering the locations and child custody arrangement. I think by allowing brooke to be in the company of a child molester is like someone leaving an unloaded gun on a kitchen table with a box of bullets sitting next to it while having alot of kids over at your house. Then, leaving the room for long periods and *hoping* that the kids dont get courious as to how to work the articles that were left available to them. People are stupid. Then want to say "How could this ever happen to my child..."

    Anyways, sorry for the rant. I was just wanting to clarify that i do believe that the real father and step mother did what they felt in their heart needed to be done to protect Brooke from the rath of her aunt marrying a molester. Because, if Brooke had ever once said that something had happened or she felt uncomfortable I do believe they would have used that information in the best interest of their daughter.

    Now, I will not donote to Brooke Bennett's family directly because there are charity orientated  organizations that step in and help in this situation. I have no problem donating to such organizations. I do not beleive it is right to ask for public donations.  This is the second time for this to happen. Once for the candles and ribbons and now for this? They can get in touch with one of these organizations who can either help them or direct them what they need to do. A childs death, whether in the media or close to home, should never stand to "gain" a gift or reward twords the remaining family. Something...someone was lost here and i think that her coustodial parent is losing sight with that. Especially with her comments she has made to the media "alot of people want to assign blame to me for allowing brooke around him...they can go to h**l" Yet, wants US to donote to her?!?!?!?!? Are you serious?!?!?!?!

  6. I would only donate if I knew the money was going into a properly set up charitable fund. But it doesn't look like it is and looks like a bit of a scam to be honest. I'm going to be holding on to my cash in this case.

  7. To answer the question of, " Who is Brooke Bennet?" by Baby Izzy and October...she was a 12 year old girl who was lured away from a store in Randolph, Vt. (I hope I have the town right.)

    I think that if an account was opened in a bank, with a person not involved with the immediate family, to oversee it, I would contribute without blinking an eye. If they had monies left over then they could contribute to the Adam Walsh Foundation or any other child abduction agency. They could even donate the leftover monies to the VT. State Police or their local police agency.

    It's horrible what happened to her! You need to think...if this crime happened to you, would you like people to contribute to your funeral costs if your parents couldn't afford it? Would you care if they kept money after the funeral was paid for, regardless of how much it was?

    My heart goes out to her family...just not the ones involved in any way, shape or form...connected with her death.


    I have thought twice about this and have reconsidered my decision to donate. I've read the things her family has said and, I must say, they sound like a greedy bunch. Like the post after mine...there are legitimate organizations that will help...all they need to do is apply.

    So, for this, I will NOT donate to line someone else's pockets.

  8. I've never heard of Brooke Bennet, sorry.

  9. not if there are going to get any of it no!!!!!....i donate to a different anti-child-cruelty charity !!!!!

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