
Brooke knows best...?

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is it fake? i just watched the episode where she has a massive house party and invites that wind surfing kite dude and at the end when he leaves she goes oh i really wanted to kiss him and then like 2 mins later he knocks on the door and brooke opens it and they just kissed. i mean how fake was that if anyone knows what i'm talking about? does anybody actually like this show??




  1. Well maybe but IDK. I guess its entertaining 2 watch 4 some ppl. But sometimes its just a lil boring 4 me!!! lol

  2. hmmm idk i haven't thought about it like that, but some reality shows are fake so you never know!

  3. omg i wondered that too! it looks WAY fake! and also if she REALLY liked that guy why did she invite her EX?!? which by the way is UGLY! i thinks it is VERYY fake!  

  4. I don't know, but that girl rides on my last nerve!  

  5. i agree i like hogan knows best , better because she like always does crazy things and it gets annoying

  6. it looks pretty fake
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