
Brother and Sister-in-Law issue.... PLEASE HELP?

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My brother has been with his "wife" for 7 to 8 years now. They have 2 children together & one on the way (He also has a child from a previous relationship). Well, they've been having a lot of problems lately & of course my S-I-L calls me to vent & I want to be there for her. Anyway, Me & my bro work together, our boss gave all his employees a Chance to win pre-season ticket to the Dallas Cowboys game for this Friday. I won a pair of ticket & another co-worker (who is a hoe, in my opinion) won a pair as did a few other people in our office. This girl has a BF in a diff. state & also messes around with other guys behind his back, so I don't trust her. She gave her extra ticket to my bro. My mother told me he told his wife that I gave him my extra ticket & that I wasn't going to take my husband. Should I tell his wife the truth or wait until she asks me who all went and then tell her as if I didn't know my bro lied to her?




  1. You tell your brother you are NOT going to be party to his lie.Either he doesn't go,or he gets a ticket for his wife.

  2. It is best that you leave well enough alone and let him deal with the trouble.  Because if you do tell her she will tell him and he will tell you that you should mind your business or that why you told her.  If he made plans to go with this girl thing you should feel obligated to tell and let her know what kind of girl she is.  Why would he lie about a ticket anyway all he have to do is tell her and let her know that he did not want to be rude.  But you have to let him know that he has to stop  lying to her and there is no reason for the lying it will only make matters worse.

  3. u need to tell ur S-I-L trust me  

  4. Your brother lied to her because he wanted to go to the game with the HOE and to get the HOE to do what HOE's do.

    If the wife asks... tell her.  

    If she doesn't... don't offer any info.

    If she wants to know why she did not know any of this, point her in the direction of your Mother.

  5. Do not tell his wife.

    He is your brother, and family comes before friends or distant relations.

    There is not reason to destroy his relationship over this.

    If he is going to destroy his relationship, let him be the one to do it personally.

    You should confront him. You should tell him that you are not going to lie for him, so never use you as an excuse or as a party to any other lies in the future. Then tell him that he better hope that she does not ask you questions regarding the ticket because you will be honest and say that you did not give it to him.

    Best wishes  

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