
Brother and his wife STOLE my babies name?

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Hi. I'm pregnant with a little girl and I've fixated on the name ever since I found out about her. Her name was going to be Ada Israel...and GUESS what?! My brother's wife just had HER baby and they named THEIR baby Aeda Raelie! What?! I'm so upset... What do I do? The child is already named...but I picked out the name first and they just switched the letters and called it their own... What am I going to name MY baby now? I dont want her to have almost the same name as her cousin...




  1. my names Alyssa Marie and so is my cousins. but my aunt ASKED first to name her child in HONOR of me. sometimes it gets annoying but i just feel like i was the role model.  

  2. OMG! My sister in law did this TWICE and I can't stand her...she's so stupid...and NO I did not tell her the name she found out by other family members...Even though I asked them not to tell...So she has a Joshua (my brothers name) and a David (my Grandpa's name) her kids are named after MY family members!!! And she has like 5 kids...mine were 7 years apart so alot went into my decision making,she's pregnant every year and a half....I wouldn't change it...Let her feel dumb...My niece left her kid Isaac when this same SIL did this to her...Now there's just 2 Isaac's in the family....

  3. It might seem completely and utterly unnecessary, but this is why you try to keep the name secret or only allow your family to be privy to ideas, and not the actual name you have decided to go with. Yes, it's sad that it has to come to that, and yes, I know how pissed off you must be, but sadly, there are no guarantees it won't happen. Mind you, you can still go with Ada Israel because there is some variation in the names, and besides, if the name has genuine sentimental value to you, that fact that your brother and sister-in-law named their daughter Aeda Raelie really shouldn't come into it.

  4. Wow I would be pissed! But I would still name my daughter Ada Israel.

    Very pretty name with a nice meaning!

    Good luck!

  5. I assume you told them what names you liked? Obviously, not it's too late to do anything about it. Hopefully you are able to find a name that means something too you. Also, they should've gone with Hannah, I think that's a beatiful name. I guess you just have to now a days keep your favourite names to youself. But that is a little crazy that they just took you name that you were going to name your child and used it whit out telling you. I could see if you wern't having a baby soon, but since you were pregnant too, that's just crazy. Overall, I wish you all the best with choosing another name and with the baby.  

  6. This is why you keep the name a secret.  If you did keep it a secret, why that's really weird.

  7. Keep the name. It's not so similar, if you like the name go for it! There is no reason to choose a new name!

  8. Ada Israel is an incredibly beautiful name. If you don't have much contact with your brother and his wife, you should still use this name. My sister and our cousin have the same first name (Kate) and it's never been an issue, especially since we haven't had all that much contact.

    Since Ada is the short form of Adelaide, why not call her Adelaide and use Ada as a nickname? You could also use the names Adele, Adelie, Adelina, Adeline, Adair, Adela or Adara.

    Here are some other names you might like:

    Ivy, Ida, Acacia, Kelila, Mara, Lena, Leora, Eva, Augusta, Nova, Yael, Cara, Ava, Nora, Ayla, Cora, Genevieve, Maia, Anna, Marion, Esther, Dora, Chava, Chaya, Amelia, Olivia, Alice, Aviva, Amira, Petra, Clara, Keren, Lila, Charlotte, Rosa, Dahlia, Nina..

    If you want to look up the meaning and origin of names, here is the best and most accurate website I have found:

    If you want to find more name suggestions, here is a internet tool that makes suggestions according to your own personal taste:

  9. call her what you want the only time this would be an issue is at family this really worth a family riff.....they are in the wrong but it's over ...ignore the dupe and name her what you wanted to....use a nickname for the other child at get togethers....Aeda with a e so refer to her as "E" goes on...

  10. I think you should go a head & name her what you wanted to in the first place. Tell your brother that you are so sorry but you picked it out first & that he & his wife were well aware that you were gonna name your daughter that. God, that makes me so mad at them & I don't even know em'. That was a crappy thing to do.

  11. Sorry to hear about what happened with the name. My husband's parents went through the same thing, so they had to add a couple letters. Hence he was "Jonathan" instead of "Nathan". I looked up similar names, and thought "Mireille" was pretty--it's French for "Miracle". Hope that helps!

  12. You don't own any name. They can chose any name the please for their daughter, and they did. Just move on and find another name with meaning, there's plenty out there.

  13. The situation is what it is now, if you cant live with the cousins having the same name, then pick another one.  Dont waste your time, thoughts or energy on what they have done, because you need to put all your efforts into finding the right name for your daughter.  Move forward.  How about Amelia?  Its still an "A" name and its a classic.

  14. It is not necessarily YOUR baby name....They can choose what ever name they want. Sorry.

  15. That's really unfortunate.  They are free to name their baby whatever they please, it's just unfortunate that they knew what your wanted to name your own child and decided on the same name, however last minute.

    I'd tell them that you were very hurt that they chose that name knowing how much it to you.  And in the future I'd keep any more baby names from them, lest the same thing happen.

    If you want another name meaning gift there's Dora and Dorothy - but I don't really like either so much.  Isadora's another option.  I think you can still use Israel if you'd like.  Natania also means Gift of God (which is sort of close to the meanings of the two names earlier)

  16. I like Ada Israel a lot! I think you should stick with the name because you seem to like it so much. When you get together with your family or are talking to your brother/sister-in-law about your daughter, call her by her middle name to avoid any confusion.

  17. I love that name. Ada Israel is pretty. I have to say the name Aeda Raelie is awful. Ick. I really do like Ada Israel though. If I was you I would just stick with it. I looked up some names if you don't want to go with your original choice. How about Abigail Irene?

  18. Let there kid have the ugly name and you take Hannah to make them mad. They will grow out of the name in a couple months and would of wished they would of named it Hannah but you name your kid that!

  19. That was a total jerk thing to do!  Confront your brother privately.  He is YOUR brother, you have fought before, but he needs to know how you feel.  Otherwise you will always resent them if you don't speak your mind.  You have every right to be bad.  I know I would be Irate!  

  20. I know that you will find a name that you will

    love.  Then they will be jealous because it

    will probably be better.  Btw, they butchered

    the name you had picked out.  

    Don't be too upset about it, I know you'll

    find something great.

  21. This is why you don't blab your baby name ideas to people. Also, it's not "your" name and they didn't "steal" it. I understand your frustration but you don't have any rights to the name simply because you thought of it first. Personally I don't even like the name...

    Here is a list of girl names and their meanings, maybe one will spark your interest.

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