
Brother and sister at each others throat! Mom in the middle....HELP?

by  |  earlier

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Let me start off by saying me and my brother are not kids, we are adults!

So i have a lot of stuff at my moms house in my old room and my brother decides to go into my room and take my Gucci bag and cut it up because he needed the fabric for something and he also decided to let his little girlfriend steal my Gucci boots.

I confronted him and he admit he destroyed my purse but denied the boots. I know for a fact he took them because they didn't just walk out of my closet. I asked him to replace both items or atleast give me 50% value and he refused. He said he cut up my purse because it had a stain(which could have been dry cleaned).

I told my mom about the situation and she pretty much just said "Oh well."

I went into my brothers room after all this and took his favorite shoes to show him how it feels to go into your room and notice something is missing that you value. He had my mom call me and scream at methreateningg me. She called me 10 times demanding i bring his shoes back. I told the both of them if he wants his shoes replace my stuff because it's only fair. My mom and brother both said if i don't bring back his shoes in 24 hours they will sell all my stuff!

I asked my mom "Why is it ok that he steals and destroys my stuff but if i take something that is his as aRansomm you attack me" and she would not answer the question.

What should i do? My purse and shoes cost $1800 and his shoes are only $100....I have no need for the shoes i just took them to teach him a lesson and to have him replace mine. What do you think i need to do and did i do the right thing?




  1. Be the bigger person in this and give his shoes back.Does your bedroom door have a lock on it? If not,you might want to put one on now.

  2. Retaliation is juvenile.  I don't know why your Mom did not support you on this issue - of  your shoes and purse.  I'd suggest  you get your stuff out of your mom's place.  If it is okay to leave them there, get a good lock for the door - one that can't be opened with a plastic card and lock it.  If he wants to take off hinges, he can open the door and get in (better if hinges are on inside of the room as not so easy.

    Take his shoes back as it didn't get  you anywhere and didn't help you at all.  You could file a police report on the theft of your shoes or tell your brother that  you're  going to.  I'm not sure if they will do anything, but it might get him to get them back to  you.  Many times police won't enter domestic arguments.   But you should get your things out of your Mom's as she will not protect them there.

  3. i can understand why you took his shoes but i cant understand why your mom thinks its ok for him to do the same to you and not ok for you to do it to him, thats c**p!  get your stuff out of your moms house and problem is sloved.

  4. it is so obvious that your mother likes him the most. i say don't give him back the shoes. he deserves it. also call the police!! that is theft. it was your duty to take all your things away when you move. or have proof that you brought the items and have photographs. that is really expensive and he should pay you every penny of it. if he hurts you that is harrasment. your brother can go to jail for that. why did he need the fabric in the first place..?

    thats what i think you should do. good luck. i am so to hear that

  5. go to the police and explain the situation.. save any voice mails they leave.  the police should be able to escort you to your moms house to get all of your things (at once.. dont make multiple trips)  and if you want $$ for your boots, take your bro to small claims court.  i'd definitly take him to court if he refuses to pay to teach him a lesson.

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