
Brother had to get his p***s operated!!!

by Guest56427  |  earlier

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Hello, well this question is going to be a little uncomfortable to ask but I really don't know what to do. My little brother(am his legal guardian) Ryan,12, had to had a surgery done on his "privates" area. The doctors told me that I should look at it at least once in two days to make sure that everything is ok. However, he gets really angry and uncooperative when these times come. I've only been able to see it once(missed the check twice). He says that it is fine and I don't need to look at it.(Said that before he had to get the surgery done, meaning don't trust that)

I've explained to him that I'm just helping him, and I'm not gonna hurt him or do anything else. I can't get through to him. Someone please help me!!!

How can I make him feel comfortable, what can I say?




  1. Tell him you are taking him back to the dr. if he doesn't let you check it out.   That will probably do it.  If not, explain to him how they might have to cut it off it it gets infected.  That will surely do it!

  2. is there a clinic somewhere near where you live and maybe you can take him there for it to be checked.  or maybe a pharmacy who gives medical services?

  3. It is obviously very uncomfortable for him, having his sister looking at his private parts.  I think you should have a doctor checking it for him.

  4. Think of how uncomfortable it is to go to the gyno/proctologist now imagine that gyno/proctologist being your brother.

    Nothing you can say.............

      See if you cant compromise with him have him use your cell to take a pic,and then delete it after you have seen what you need to see.

    Offer him something in return,other then a healthy pennis.

    ex:If he gets threw all the checks with out fighting ect that you will buy him that game he has been wanting  

  5. If he won't let you do it, take him back to the doctor and have them check, no big deal.

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