
Brother in Law stealing our alcohol?

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My brother in law (who is 16) had some friends over out condo last night. My husband woke up and found a Bacardi cap on the dish washer. Knowing that we didn't drink at all he dug in the garbage and found the bottle. we can't say for sure that it was my brother in law and not his friends because we didn;t see it happen. before we point the finger and blame, we want to make sure that it is truly him doing the drinking, how would you go about this situation? i also have a fear that he is taking our alcohol and bringing it to parties (that we know he goes to and drinks there). We don't want to be supplying to minors but at the same time we have no proof it was him. he also has a spare key to our house, now I'm worried he will help himself and we would wind up getting into trouble, thanks in advance for your help!!!




  1. It shouldn't matter if it was him or his friends who drank the Bacardi.  It was consumed by people he was supposed to be supervising in your house so he should have to pay for it.  

    If you really don't want to be contributing to the delinquency of minors then you need to get your spare key back and make sure your liquor is in a locked cabinet.  Otherwise you do face prosecution if the kids drinking your alcohol ever get into trouble.

  2. If you have alcohol in your house it needs to be in a locked cabinet.  You'll also want to put any prescription drugs in there along with any cough medicines that contain dextromethorphan.  Putting a lock on a cabinet will cost less than $20 and might save a life.

    Take back the key that your brother in law has to your place.  While he'll say that it wasn't him drinking etc. it doesn't matter, he allowed it to go on in your house and because of that he has to re-earn your trust.

    About the cap.  He knows all about it.  He will deny it, but he knows everything.  He had a key, he had alcohol available and he took advantage.  And no, there is no other explanation, no matter how hard to tries to convince you.  And they weren't even clever about covering their tracks.  They left the cap on the counter and the bottle in the trash.  That means that this is not the first time, just the first time they've been caught.

    Get the lock for your cabinet today.  Get your key back tonight.

  3. Hum. Try sitting down and talking to him and saying look we think you drank it blah blah blah. give him the chance to come clean. Then tell him you feel like he is taking advantage of you. then take his house key.

  4. Take back the key that he has, he has no need to have one unless he is living with you. If he won't give it back, change the locks. From now on, I would not purchase any alchol if you don't intend to drink it that day, this way there is no chance of him taking any from you. Also his parents need to be informed of what you are suspecting to they can check what they may have at their house. don't leave him alone at your place for any reason if you have liquor in the house.  

  5. DUH.. keep it locked up

    and have a talk with him, he's underage for one thing and YOU could get arrested.  

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