
Brother is leaving for college???? what should i do!?

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ok sooo my brother is leaving for college this week

and my dog always sleeps wit him at night (he likes the hardwood floor)

anyway, i have hardwood floor but he doesnt like it as much as my brother, and i no my dog will miss him alot, what can i do to make sure he doesnt get depressed, i have another brother who sleeps in the same room wit my brother who is leavin for college, and i pay attention to my dog as much as my brothers, but what can i do to make it less upsettin for my dog? plz HELP

1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. Your brother is leaving for collage and all you are worried about is your dog! I love my dogs, but if my brother were leaving for collage I would be sobbing to hard to get on the computer.

  2. WHy dont you sleep over to your brother for his dog, or let his dog getting used to it to sleep with your hardwood floor, or get him soft bed for dog in your bedroom? and play with his dog a lot and yes if you pay attention to his dog, his dog will be very happy but he will be depressed right now but he will be okay in a while, or he can stay there with your brother so he can sleep with him? and then you can play with him? hope i help u...good luck

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