
Brother never go outside and school?

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okay i'm an international student here. although my English isn't good enough, I hope you understand my point.

okay my older brother and I came to America to study English and to graduate from an american university. my brothere came here earlier than me (1year) . and I ve lived here for 3 years now. okay the problem is this. I'm a college studnet now and my brothere is not. and he used to go to small language school.(really small). okay he has been going to that school for 3 years now. and the problem is that he doesn't go to school anymore. he just stays home everyday, and he has not been goin to the school for 1year and half now. and he is just staying home and playing games and watching tv. he never goes outside either, he doesn't even have friends in here. all he talks to the person is just me. noone else. we live in a apartment together, and he smokes alot. I hate the smell, so I always tell him to smoke outside but he never listent to me.he's like that. any adivice..???help




  1. He is suffering from agoraphobia. Although there is no easy answer and he is apparently depressed, I would recomend when he starts smoking in the house you could tell him to please go on a wlak with you.  Also, you could try to find some people who speak his native language in conjunction to English and he would feel better about socializing.  If nothing works you could just tell him that you think he would be alot happier and try to boost his self confidence. Tell him you will need to find a new place to live if he doesn't stop smoking due to the health risks of second hand smoke and his lack of respect fir your wishes. Good luck!

  2. It sounds like he might be depressed.  Trouble using the phone is common with social anxiety, too, and it can go along with chronic depression.  He may need medical help (psychiatric counseling) and possibly medication.  Smoking is sometimes a way of self-medicating.  There's a lot that can be done, and it may be wise to get your parents involved if he won't go for help.

    If he's here on a student visa, he could be deported for not attending school.  If the school takes your parents' money just so he can keep a student visa, and he's not attending classes, that school is breaking the law.  This is a lot more serious than it once was, now that terrorism is an issue.  I encourage you to take this seriously so that YOU don't get in any trouble.

  3. remind him how lucky he is to be in america.

    and that he has the opportunity to turn himself into a good person and make a good living if he went to school.

    if he stays home, what's he going to do for the rest of his life?

  4. Call your parents and tell them what is happening. Explain that you are having trouble living with your brother because he is not going to school and is not taking care of himself. Set clear boundaries to protect yourself from your brother's behavior. It may be necessary for you to move out and find your own apartment or move into student housing at your school (if there is any).

    Good luck.

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