
Brothers and sisters

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i want to know how to hifz Quran. i mean is there any spacial way to do it .and sombody said to me that in Kabar and in Qayamh Allah will help him to get to janahh plz tell me more about the saying relatied to hifz-ul-quran.

becoz i want to do it. may Allah help in that




  1. Dear bro u chose another persons name I don't think he'll like that.from wat I no he is already a hafiz of kitab Allah & is very knowlegebale.

    bro Abul r u that old 1948?Boy u have history behind u, lol.

  2. Question: How much time did it take you to learn Quran, when you learnt it and how many hadeeths you know by heart?

    Answer: It was in 1948, after the partition of sub-continent, that I memorized Quran in about three months, although I was busy in other dawa activities. I can remember very well that I memorized Sora Noor while traveling by camel. I had been desiring to memorize it for three or four years before, but first I had so many activities and second I knew in ahadeeth the connsequence of forgetting Quran after memorizing . Therefore, I didn’t have enough courage to start memorizing Quran. However, everything is in the control of Allah Subhanwata'la. Whatever He has decreed will happen at the time He has chosen for it. Something will not happen before or after the fixed time which Allah has set for it. Therefore, when the time (for memorizing) which Allah Subhanwata'la has fixed for me reached, my work became very easy. Also a hadeeth in Tirdmidhe Shareef about memorizing, really helped me in memorizing day after day. By the grace of Allah Al-mighty this poor fellow (himself) was encouraged and memorized Quran from Sura hood to the end. As from the start of the Quran, then I had already memorized the first chapter. So now I had to memorize from the second chapter (Sayaqool) to the end of Sura Yonus. It took me, nine days to memorize from second chapter to Sura Mai'ada, two days to memorize Maida, three days each to memorize Al Inaam and Al-Araaf, the rest three Surahs, Infaal, Tawba, and Younus I memorized them in one day each. I did not miss any day memorizing in these twenty days. (As for Ahadeeth) I do not claim to be a Hafidh but by the Grace of Allah Al-mighty, I know many ahadeeth relating to the daily matters of life with their respective references.

  3. dont understand

  4. as with any task, you have to be serious and dedicated.  My advice is that you make yourself a schedule and stick to it.  Set aside specific time every week devoted to memorizing and reciting Quran.  Do it in a place that is quiet and comfortable without distractions.  Once you have memorized a section, recite it during your prayers in order to reinforce it.  May Allah swt give you many rewards and make it easy for you.

  5. Hafiz is a person who recites the Holy Quran by heart.

    ALLAH(SWT) has made it easy to remember and there are thousands of persons who can recite the Quran by heart.

    The Quran is recited year by year in Trawih in the month of Ramadan.

    If ever the printed Quran  had to become extinct, the Hafiz who recites by heart would have the Quran engraved in their minds.

  6. my prefered language is english

  7. Dear brother if you want to Hifz the Holy Qur'an you have to read it many many times.... one by one... then you will Hifz the Qur'an ....

    to other answerers... why you all are here to answer in ramdhan section ?  if u don'y know what is Hifz-ul-Qur'an

  8. Consult a qari or a hafiz-e-Qur'an.he can better guide u

  9. ASA, bro.!

    It's great that u have decided to do it. May Allah keep ur will power strong enough to take it to the very end. Yeah, there is a great reward for it, Inshallah! And for the parents of the hafiz too (they will be rewarded with golden crowns on the Day of Judgement). But for the one who memorizes it, and then forgets it by neglect, there is a great punishment (according to a hadith, he will rise on the day of judgement---blind).

    There isn't any special way. U just have to keep memorizing new Quran lessons everyday, and revising whatever u have learnt already. If u have learned a whole part, divide it into 4 sections. Everyday, recite 1 section to somebody, each section turn by turn. So whatever u have memorized, divide it into equal sections, and revise. Here are a few tips:

    1)  Allah has made our brain such that if u try memorizing something by heart all at once, u will forget it soon. But if u do it at intervals, it helps. If u try to memorize 2 pages by repeating them 100 times at once, it doesn't help much. But if u do it by repeating them a few times in the morning, a few times in the evening, a few times before sleeping, a few times the next day, and so on for 4 or 5 days, u pretty much get to know it.

    2) It's great if u repeat the new lesson at night about 10 times before u sleep, and revise it early in the morning too (about 5 times). That one really helps. One of my teachers told me to do that while I was memorizing the Quran, and it worked wonders. One of the users (Hafiz) on yahoo answers also mentioned it, so it reminded me of that.

    3) Whatever u intend to memorize each day, listen to it several times on an audio cassette. Read with the reciter on the audio cassette. My favourite reciters are Imam Shuraim and Imam Sudays of Makkah. U know, the ones who lead the Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan usually. This will not only ensure that u don't make grammatical and pronounciation mistakes when u recite, but will also give u a nice reciting tone. I used to keep listening to them and reading with them to memorize my new lesson, so even now, when it has been 8 years since I finished, people say that I have a similar Quran reciting voice.

    4) Make sure that after you're done revising each day, READ TO SOMEONE ELSE! You won't be able to catch and all of your own mistakes by yourself. Also, have the person mark your mistakes (with a pencil) in your Quran so that next time you can go back and fix them.                     (I got this point from the Y/A, Ramadan section user =), and it helps a great deal)

    5) Make sure that u revise for at least 1 hour per day. I mean, revise whatever u have learned previously.

    6) There are 3 things that u must attend to everyday.

    ---Memorizing a new lesson.

    ---Revising all what u memorized yesterday, and the day before that.

    ---Revising a part of what u have memorized before.

    7) Initially, u'll probably memorize 1/2 a page each day. As u progress, ur memory will become stronger, and u'll be able to increase the number of pages u do each day. The maximum I ever managed was 5 pages in a day. My sister is more intelligent, and she did 3/4 part (juz) a day


    If u want to know anything else, u can always ask!

    I wish u godspeed. May Allah make it easy for u (Ameen).

  10. You can start from smaller Surah.One of my teachers used to give tasks to student to start memorizing Qur'an from the end , as the Surah's are smaller and you can easily learn them.It also encourages one as in lesser time, you will be able to memorize more.Once you'll get, fluent in memorizing and understanding the writing style of Qur'an.You can continue with the first Surah.One more thing, Hifz of Qur'an makes your memory more good.Always seek help from Allah to guide you.

    But before starting Hifz, what i would suggest you that if you haven't read Qur'an with complete translation and tafseer, first do that and then start Hifz.

  11. I think the Qur'an will come to you as a handsome being in your grave or something like that and will protect you. I am not sure about those stories but I've heard that reading one letter of the Qur'an counts for ten virtues, so reading "Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem" is around 240 virtues. Now, consider memorizing it! When you repeatedly memorize something you are kind of reading it again so, inshaAllah, the virtues will be great!

    As for a way to memorize it, I think you could memorize about half a page (one quarter of a paper) of the Qur'an everyday and it will be a matter of years to finish all of it. In order to better memorize it, you could check its meaning in your native language and check the books of tafsir (exegesis) if you don't understand a specific verse or its meaning.

    God bless peace!

  12. Try to memorize the part when muhammad married a 6 years old baby girl and had s*x with her when she was 9,he was 54.Or when he stole his son's wife,it is very interesting an is in the koran.

  13. Yes that is a true Faith!

    let me tell you that my 3 brothers are (hafiz al Qurran)]

    1st: try to read the whole quraan without learning that will be helpfull(with some one experienced to listen if you made any mistake?)

    2nd:finish the quraan by reading only,then rest a bit and decide do you really want to learn it by heart??

    3rd:dont do it by yourself in home,have some one who listen what you learn every day without leasyness.becoz if you did it by your self you will soon grow leasy.

    4th:There are 3 things that u must do every day continuously:

    ---Memorizing a new lesson.

    ---Revising all what u memorized before so you won't forget it.

    5th:keep in your mind the very bad punishment of learning and then forgetting any part of the quraan!

    6th:keep in your mind the great reward for learning the quraan:you parents will have crown in the judgement day and they will be very proud infront of other parent who dont have it,and the reward for you is much more..............
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