
Brought a flat pack wardrobe I honest should not of done its

by  |  earlier

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everso wobbly load of c**p, really wobbly should i take it back




  1. is not safe to have around.

  2. Yeah i know what you mean , they throw em together pretty quick in the asian countries. Having said that the instuctions are not always very clear either . I know cos i have been asked to put more than 20 different units together in 20 different houses. Before you take it back you gotta go back over the instructions and find out where all the extra screws go . I KNOW YOU GOT THEM COS I GENERALLY GET THAT TOO 1ST TIME. Make sure you got your horizontals in and that the lock screws are turned a full 90degrees. Wardrobes are never very stable on carpet so i would s***w it to the wall to make it safe.

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