
Brown's gas will it work?

by  |  earlier

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Fuel replacement or additive?




  1. Nothing but a complete scam.  I did a lot of research on the subject and found the system to be a big hoax.  I will tell you that you don't need to convert your car or anything else to your vehicle get free gas.  There is a guy named Michael Travler that has written a book that shows you how to get all your gas a no additional cost to you.  

    I couldn't believe it when I first saw it but I decided to pay the $17 to find out what it was about.  He explains two ways to get all the gas money you need.  It is totally legal and thousands of people are doing it everyday, including me.  

  2. Oh, you mean that HHO, water as fuel garbage?

    Yeah, that is nothing but a scam. First of all, hydrogen won't increase the fuel economy in your vehicle. A gasoline or diesel engine will not run on hydrogen at any concentration (Mythbusters). Even if the hydrogen did help, those generators you are supposed to make would not make enough hydrogen, efficiently enough to do anything. The fact that no one offers to sell a kit is a key tip off that it is a scam. That way, when it doesn't work, the company can always claim you made the mistake and the thing realy does work.

    Everyone from Mythbusters, to ABC to almost all the automotive and mechanical magazines all have disproved this thing.

  3. its a fraud.  I hope you didn't spend any money on it.  The FTC is going after people selling this type of stuff.  Two people are in prison or have been in prison.  The latest popular mechanics magazine uncovered the scam too.

  4. This is definatly a fuel additive.  Do the research. It does work. Hydrogen will burn without oxygen. In the browns gas form it is even more combustable.  Everyone keeps forgetting two major things with this system.  The say it cant work because it is very inefficient. They say it draws too much electricity and puts too much strain on your alternator, so any gain would be lost to the alternator.  Everyone forgets your alternator is already producing excess energy and is capable of much more.  If your alternator isnt efficient enough you can just replace it for a larger producing one that will produce more amperage with the same drain on your engine.  Please dont tell me this isnt possible because i already know how alternators work and how to make them more efficient.  The second thing is that you're adding a combustable gas to an already explosive mixture.  Everyone has been doing all the wrong calculations and looking at this the wrong way.  You're not trying to burn the gas more efficiently. You are adding an even more powerful combustable to the mix.  Its the same as adding nitrous but not as strong. You dont need to do all the conversions to equate brown gas to gasoline because they burn differently.  Browns gas also burns more efficiently than gasoline so your calculations are incorrect anyway.  The last thing is that this an additive. You supplementing the gasoline mixture. This not only burns the gas more efficiently it allows you to reduce the amount of gasoline introduced into the engine.  This is either done automaticly by your computer, which will adjust for what it will read as a rich mixture by your o2 sensor, or manualy on a carborated engine to lean what will run like a rich mixture.

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