
Brown Bug in refrigerator?

by  |  earlier

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OK so I have brown bugs ( I think dead) in the freezer of my fridge. I 1st thought it was b/c the previous tenats in my apartment were gross and left rotting food in the fridge. I have now realize that they are in the door of the fridge. I want to ask the landlord to either replace the door or just give me an entirely new fridge. I say entirely new b/c i dont kow if they are hiding somewhere else in the refrigerator. What should I do???




  1. Lay bait, bug bomb your house a few times over the next couple months. That would help.

    I doubt your landlord will do anything, but you could ask.

  2. get a new one. bugs are gross

  3. get a new refridgarator if your landlord wont replace it then go to like home depot and bargain one with scratches on it down ...or look for a bisk one the color.. no one buys them so they go for real cheap its the off white one

  4. get a new fridge

  5. thats sooo nasty. get a whole different fridge they might still be somewhere in there! ew yah definitley get a new fridge.

  6. You deserve a decent frig.  Especially since it was included when you moved in.  He would be allowed to get you a good used one.

  7. I would ask for a new fridge. I would show them the bugs and tell them you think the fridge is infested with them. Also, I would ask them to spray if they haven't already.

  8. your landlord should def. have to replace the fridge, its not like he's doing you any favors. Your paying for where you live and its part of his responsibilities to make sure everything is up to par.

    You should really complain about it.

    annndd maybe the brown bugs in the fridge are only dead because its the fridge while your at it, you should def make sure all those little brown bugs are gone by inspecting the rest of your house and just looking around. If you see any more that are ALIVE make sure he pays for an extermination.

    = ] good luck!

  9. Sit that sl*t down and tell that b*tch you wanna new fridge!

    I don't see ur problem?

  10. definitely get a new fridge.

  11. let them breed then ask for a new fridge, then start cleaning up after yourself

  12. OK you should definitely replace your fridge b/c they could spread around your entire house and start to make more and more of them. Check around your apartment too see if you find any hole or things you never seen before.

  13. get a new fridge, you food may not be sanitary anymore eather so i would watch what u eat.

  14. Call the landlord in first, don't take this into your own hands. He might get mad. :P

    And he'll get this checked out, I mean he's technically the owner of that fridge.


    and ughh, I feel sorry for you. I'm terrified of bugs.

  15. When did you move it?  If it has been more than a few weeks, you will have a hard time proving you did not bring the bugs with you.  Also even if you can prove you did not do it check your lease very carefully as you might be paying for part of the new fridge.

  16. does a fridge come with the apartment, then you should ask for a new one because yours is infested.  that is gross.  god knows where they could be hiding in there.  dead or alive, you don't want them there.

  17. pest control...could be anywhere in the house too

  18. GROSS!


    A LOT! At the very least, make them spray for bugs!

  19. take out all the food first but first go buy raid-x and spray those suckers down like if it was your job

    2 points yupeeeeeee

  20. when you are broke and out

    of luck, nowhere to go, nobody

    to turn to, when you get hungry

    and scared, brown bugs ain't so


  21. They should at least clean the refrigerator out and I would demand a new fridge. Didn't you inspect apartment before moving in???

  22. Get an exterminator. If theyre in ur fridge theyre probably other places in ur place 2.

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