
Brown Cervical Mucus??

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I'm TTC, but my cycles are irregular and usually pretty long. I'm currently at CD 55 and the only sign of my period I've had were a few mild twingy cramps about 3 weeks ago, along with a bit of brown in my CM. It looked like egg white, only it had that bit of brown in it. And every couple of days for the last 3 weeks, I've been seeing that little bit of brown in my CM. Only today I've had the tiniest bit of blood, and that was after hubby and I did the baby dance. Every time I google what's going on with me, the things I find say that my period will be coming. But it hasn't shown up! I've tested negative twice a couple of weeks ago. Should I test again, or is just a really long start to my period?




  1. If u did a HPT 2 weeks ago and got a - try testing again if its still - go c ur doctor i hope u r pregnant.

  2. i have experienced the same symptoms except for the long cycle. I have not yet been pregnant (TTC for 18 months) how long is your cycle on average and what is the longest it has been? if it is significantly longer (your cycle) than usual I would consider going to the dr. the light bleeding and brown cervical mucus has happened to me when my period was due and when i have ovulated (the brown CM at ovulation). but i have had a hemorragic ovarian cyst.  and Dr thinks i have endometriosis.

    * definately test again. and remember some women need blood tests to show ++++

    * bottom line, if your body is acting different and continues to do so, I would go to the Dr. esp if you are TTC

    good luck.sending sicky baby dust your way :)
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