
Brown Recluse Revisited - They Won't Go Away?

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I posted not a month and a half ago about these beasts. I have children but they are scared enough to keep laundry out of floors and toys picked up now. My poor 4 year old cries if her blankets are not shook out at bed time. We are on top of vacuuming. Small toys for baby dolls and doll houses are now kept in huge zip locks, paper bags gone replaced now with plastic storage. Glue traps all over the place. No room has less than 2 and up to 4. Call an exterminator out and he has been here 2 times. I also fogged.

What else can I do? I have the place spotless with traps and poisons. Am I missing something? Oh, why I came back to ask is because in that time I have killed almost 10 more of these vile beasts while in the last year and a half here I never noticed one. I must be doing something in the last month and half to attract them.




  1. Spray hair spray on their webs and keep using glue traps.

  2. I would try calling around to different exterminators. They are supposed to whip those kinds of things in the butt, ESPECIALLY if they are poisonous, and more importantly, ESPECIALLY if you have small children in the house. If your exterminator has been out there twice and they're coming back I would try to find a new one. Also, when you get a new one, tell them everything you have said in here, and ask them if they know of anything that attracts them?

    Also, if the exterminator isn't spraying outside your house that might be the problem. You should look into safe pesticides for pets and children and spray your yard regularly. It will make a world's difference and is worth the extra money.

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