
Brown eyes that look red??

by  |  earlier

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ok, my eyes are this weird color of brown that almost looks like a velvet red. i was just gonna ask if any ones ever seen some else with the some color eyes, and if you think its normal?? & no, i dont have on contacts..





  1. i guess.

  2. are you high or something??

  3. ya it's normal

    unless you cant see

    then NO thats not normal

    but people are born with weird

    eye colors!

  4. That is perfectly normal

  5. Well name btw..Have you been in contact with any evil forces lately? If the answer is no than it is perfectly fine.My eyes are never the same color they vary acording to my mood.Somtimes become reddish brown .

  6. mine are like that too!!

    except inside they look like a reallllllllllllllly dark chocolate brown almost black but whenever I go outside or in the sun or even into a room with a lot of light they look red like that.

    and it's definitely normal cause i know people who's eyes change color and some people with a mix of colors of eyes.  some people even have two different colored eyes, although I have never seen anyone like this in real life. but I have heard of it. so a lot of weird things can happen with eye color you don't have to worry.

  7. I think a friend of mine from college has eyes like that.  I dont make much eye contact with people but I swear I think his eyes are more red than brown at times when I did see them.

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