
Brown nicotine on some smokers fingers and not others.?

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My male friend smokes, his fingers are always stained with brown nicotine. I've know a lot of smokers and have never seen anyone's fingers stain like this. He washes his hands multiple time during the day, a usually clean person. What's causing this? Is it his blood type or something on that line?




  1. The longer you smoke and how much you smoke and also how you hold the cigarette can cause the staining your talking about.  Sounds like your friend always holds his cigarette the same way disposing his fingers to the stain.  Chances are if he quits the cells that are brown will regenerate and his fingers will turn the clean color again.  Just imagine what his lungs look like :(

  2. Good question.  I have no idea.

  3. Nicotine is colorless and odorless.

    You are talking about tar stains.

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