
Brown ... ... ...?

by Guest60260  |  earlier

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At first I think we were all upset at having our political leader chosen for us, so Brown has never really been accepted as our Prime Minister. But nothing is going well for him so is anybody out there feeling just a little sorry for him now ???




  1. Not one jot!

    we didn't vote him in to start with!!

  2. Tony the toady was smart enough to wait till things were nearly belly up before going off to collect his blood money in the US.

  3. No he is just like the child in the game of cowboys and Indians that is shot and won't play dead!!

    He is only there for himself and could care less about the damage he is doing to his party and his country!!!

  4. All self inflicted punishment - he took the risk when he entered politcs - no sympathy for ANY politician here.

  5. Let's not pretend we did not vote for Brown at the 2005 election.  We all knew Blair was going to stand down and Brown would be his successor.

    The nail in Brown's coffin was hammered in when Blair arranged that none of his "modernisations" would be tinkered with after he had gone, effectively tying Brown's hands behind his back, and leaving him gawping like a goldfish at the double whammy of idiot money lending in America and China sucking up oil like an industrial vacuum cleaner, neither of which are his doing.

    Yes I feel sorry for him.  I don't think anyone else would have done any better.   Which is pretty bad.

    Now this is Yahoo! Answers, not Yahoo! Comments, so here we go.  If Brown wants things to go better he should:

    1. raise the basic and upper rates of Income Tax immediately to 25% and 50%.  This would give the Treasury sufficient leeway without having to resort to borrowing when credit is tight.

    2. use the money for a national campaign of free loft insulation and repairs to draughty doors and windows.

    3.  make everywhere within 3 miles of a school safely accessible by bicycle.

    4. invest in much more research into sustainable food and energy production, and into reducing transport at all levels.

    5. any left over, cut as many stealth taxes as possible, drop Council Tax just to what people have voted for locally - statutory Council functions being met nationally, and then employ a radical independent (i.e. me) to analyse all the functions of the public sector, diverting Civil Servants towards useful activity.

    And if he did all that, the stupid British electorate would throw him out at the first opportunity!

  6. In a sense. The dudes only human, gotta feel for his situation- but hey; the people didnt pick him.

  7. i do a little tony just passed the buck at the right time!

  8. If he wasnt making us suffer so much I would, when hes on the news he looks like h**l.

  9. Nope...!!

    He wanted it, he got it.!!!

    ...I bet Tony Blair is laughing all the way to the bank...he got out, he knew this was coming but he made sure he lined his pockets before he jumped ship.

  10. No it's all his own doing I'm afraid, he was chancellor for 10 years & his own incompetency in doing this job is coming back to bite him big style.

    I don't feel sorry for him, i feel sorry for every person who is struggling to make ends meet because of his gross negligence at pretending to be a prime minister  :)

  11. Sorry for that? He should be tried for high treason!

  12. Not at all. Gordy Broon and his Nu Layber chums have just about wrecked this country.

  13. No, Brown is a very Arrogant Man,

    Look what he has done,

    Given away our Sovereignty, ( whats that got to do with the world credit crunch? )

    10p Tax, ( nothing to do with the world credit crunch )

    More Tax on fuel than any other country in Europe,

    Northern Rock,

    Gordon Brown has ruined this country, he must go for the good of us all,

  14. Yes, I'm sorry for him, we'll be saying all these things about David Cameron and his Chancellor in about ten years time if the Tories get elected at the next election as the fresh hope and then it all goes a bit pear-shaped.

  15. Not at all. He doesn't feel sorry for us and we're the ones struggling because of his incompetence.

  16. I'm just wondering how he's going to cope sweeping the atreets, or scrubbing graffitti off walls whe he joins the ranks of the unemployed.
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