
Brown spotting?? Can anyone help??

by  |  earlier

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I've been spotting on and off since the middle of July.. I'll bleed with discharge and go off the same day with brown blood. I've taken 3 rounds of clomid and nothing... 3 neg HPTs.. I've called the doctors and trying to get ASAP. My doctor has referredd me to a Specialist to get pregnant.Butss what's up with the brown spotting?? Yes my periods were always irregular, but since taking the clomid they came on with a little help from provera.

I've been charting too, my temps are like in between 92.00 to 97.6




  1. I couldn't look at your chart at the moment the site says it's unavailable...but yeah, it sounds like you aren't ovulating yet.  Hang in there, it took me a year and 6 cycles of clomid to start ovulating again.  I would guess the brown discharge is your body expelling the uterine lining it has built up in the Clomid cycles...not exactly sure though.  It's good that you're trying to get in to see your doc, maybe they have some thoughts.  Don't get discouraged if they don't though...sometimes the body is unpredictable with all these hormones!  Good luck and baby dust to you =)

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