
Brownish discharge what does this mean???

by  |  earlier

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i have had it for a week or maybe a little longer now what does it mean, but i haven't had my period in two months. and yes i am sexual active, so plz help i freckin.




  1. You really need to see the doctor. Some women, when pregnant, have a brownish discharge.

    It could be some sexually transmitted disease. Doesn't sound like any yeast infection that I ever heard of.  

  2. woah man, idk. definitely get it checked out. and if you haven't had your period in two months, you could be preggers. take a test.

    good luck :)

  3. You really need to go to the doc's and check it out. It could be something that isnt a big deal or it could be something serious... i would get it checked out ASAP! :)

    It'll  problly be nuthing.. u'll be alrite! just get it checked out with a doctor :)

    Hope i helped

  4. maybe you have a yeast infection. dont worry. get it checked out. youll be fine. Good Luck <3

  5. take a test you could be pregnant

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