
Bruce Arena as LA Galaxy coach?????

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Bruce Arena was spotted with the owner of AEG (LA Galaxy) in the stadium during the game against Chivas USA.

Also John Harkes and Rob Stone of ESPN2 stated that LA Galaxy may move Carlos Ruiz to make room for Eddie Lewis. What are your thoughts on that?




  1. Arena is the worst coach in US history, while the team accomplished alot while he was there, the fact is that it was the college system and the MLS that made him successful by developing players.  Bad move for Galaxy

  2. not sure about bruce arena but as a galaxy fan i welcome him with open arms as for ruiz he was great back in the day but he is in the down fall of his career and leaving la can change that and eddie lewis will be a huge improvement from elly alan, randolph, or jazic GO LA GALAXY i still belive

  3. when he coaches la galaxy he is going to do this

  4. Bruce Arena is an MLS coach and can work with unknown talent.  

    Gullit could never do that.  

    Eddie Lewis is the most underrated US player.

    Essentially...good moves for the LAG.  

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