
Bruce Ivins commits suicide. Is this another 9/11 lie down the tubes?

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A quick search on google typing "anthrax" and "al queda" will give you hundreds of news pages from all the usual alphabet news channels trying to link them together, as well as videos of Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld doing the same on youtube.

Bruce Ivins, a GOVERNMENT Army scientist (USAMRIID) apparently committed suicide before he was to be prosecuted for the anthrax attacks on Washington. How many times did you hear that it was al-queda at the beginning? Yet it was an American military scientist.,0,2864223.story




  1. It's time to apologize....the governement and media pointed fingers to all muslims and arabs for the anthrax scare...

  2. I depsise the Bush administration. Having said that,  Bruce Ivins is the guy who mailed out the anthrax letters and he acted alone, unless there are reports refuting he wasn't an angry nut who was making death threats as early as 2000, that the restraining order issued against him wasn't somehow manufactured.

    There are some open questions: just what were the "advanced" techniques were used to identify Ivins a suspect now when he wasn't a suspect in 2002? It's far more reasonable that Ivins assisting the FBI in its investigation blinded them to the fact of not making him a suspect.  Now, WHY did Ivins continue to have clearance to continue working with a level 4 biohazard after the 2000 death threats?

    So you can expect to see "coverups",  just not some wild conspiracy.

  3. Check out this question, my answer is in there:

  4. Just another in a long list of government scientists dying of suicide or other grotesque deaths. Nothing to see here  folks.

  5. With the vast majority of the people believing anything they are told most of the time sadly no.

  6. After the first week or so, who in their right mind actually believed the anthrax attack was truly the work of al quida?  

  7. the powers that be will go to fantastic lengths to keep the status quo

  8. "The mailings raised fears that al Qaeda or another terror group was orchestrating a second wave of terror attacks on the U.S."

    that's it. that was the 2nd 'fear factor' the govt wanted.

    they'd do anything to incite fear into the public to get what they want & they do it oh so well....

    & the old 'SUICIDE' ploy, eh?!

    did you know elderly men are more susceptible to an overdose of 'Tylenol'? i bet he knew that too of course, being a top scientist....i bet he knew a lot of things & he was silenced for it.

  9. Just another long line for coverups.

  10. The sleepers won't see it as another lie down the tubes. They will find a way to credit the Bush administration. Look at the way the media reports the story, especially Fox news.  Ivins is being painted as a raving mental case. Remember 50 years ago, the "lone gunman", Lee Harvey Oswald, was also painted as a mental case yet we find out years later that Oswald was an FBI asset and a man with high credentials. The footage proving the shot from the front has been kept from the people for 50 years. IF the power-elite can hide that truth for 50 years, it would be a cake-walk to fabricate Ivin's cause of death and keep the real cause hidden.Treat Ivin's death as very suspicious. 9-11 truth is rising and the power-elite must close provable loopholes. Ivin was one such loophole.

    Why does the media bother reporting it now? It has been known for years that the anthrax came from US government sources. Is the media feeling so confident in its past brainwashing they dare release a little truth now?.  Half of the country still believes Al Q. was behind those anthrax attacks and it will be difficult to change minds once set even in the face of the evidence.

  11. The whole thing just stinks like a cover up, it should be pretty obvious to most people who aren't willing to believe every single thing that comes through the television or radio that there are more factions involved than just a simple microbiologist who was a borderline maniac. Know that whatever gets to you is unclassified and highly scrutinized beforehand, they would never leak anything through the media if they believed it had the slightest chance of having an 'unwanted effect' on the viewers(Such as questioning things, disagreeing, or rebelling).

    The Bruce Ivins case is one of the oldest tricks in the book of conspiracy theories. Whether it's real or not will never be proven, but this very simple method is very effective when it comes to tricking and scaring mass amounts of people, and therefore, it shouldn't be dismissed on the basis of it being just a 'theory'. Many things we believe to know for a certainty are in fact just a theory.

    The formula goes something like this:

    -You have an event of significant importance, that would by itself affect many people. But then on top of that, you have the media elevate it to a magnitude beyond what it would have been otherwise. Take for instance the assassinations of JFK, MLK, Malcom X, etc.; although they were important to many people, many people that weren't even followers or believers were similarly caught up in the hysteria and hype of the events because they were manipulated by the media into magnifying the importance. Whether you liked them or hated them, if you were never aware that they died, your day to day life probably wouldn't of been any different(except for the president of course).

    -The same goes for the anthrax case, it was blown way out of proportion. I don't mean to imply that it wasn't significant to the people that were directly affected, but in the end only five people died and seventeen people got really sick. You have to realize that thousands of people die everyday from Pneumonia, and you don't hear anything about it in the news, even though it's one of the leading causes of death in America and the world for that matter.

    -The media covers it continually, amplifying viewer thoughts on the matter, until most normal human beings are caught up in the hysteria. Normal everyday people like me and you become terrified that it could happen to them, and begin to fear things they normally would've never been afraid of or thought twice about. I take it that your not afraid to drive to the store to pick up a gallon of milk, even though you are thousands of times more likely to die from an automobile accident than by receiving a letter with anthrax.

    -When you have people scared, you can place the blame on something unfavorable, or you can find a patsy and make it look as though he was the sole perpetrator in the event. The anthrax attacks occurred during the same time that millions of Americans were still very caught up in the terror scare following 9/11, this only added to the mass hysteria and panic even further. Most of the attacks were being attributed to 'terrorist' and even some reports were claiming that Al Quada may be connected to the attacks. These reports were very misleading to most people, and shouldn't of even been out there considering that these reports lacked any sort of evidence to back the assertions(evidence is supposed to be the most fundamental aspect of reliable journalism), and anyone with a shred of knowledge on microbiology will know that someone in a freaking cave can't synthesize natural Anthrax(Bacillus anthracis) and turn it into a biological weapon. Although Anthrax is naturally found in dirt and livestock around the world, you need a laboratory with expensive equipment in order to turn it into a biological weapon. Many ordinary people with little intelligence can make bombs with readily available materials, your only dealing with explosives and making a detonator to set it off, and there are many blueprints that most people can get a hold of without too much trouble. But not many people have the means to find, extract, and handle a dangerous bacterium without dieing from it in the first place. And few have the knowledge necessary to create a biological weapon from it. It is only logical to assume that a real terrorist would have had a much easier time making a bomb than synthesizing a biological weapon, or else you would have seen biological attacks start happening in Israel a long time ago.

    -Despite all the means the governments had at it's disposal(The FBI, CIA, etc.), despite the high profile of the case, and despite the fact that weapons grade Anthrax is a very hard commodity to come by, they failed to trace any of the various letters back to their sources, or come up with any reasonable leads for nearly SEVEN YEARS. This level of incompetence and inefficiency may be apparent at some local law enforcement agencies with a limited budget, but not at the federal level, and not for a case this big. To put it in layman's terms, it would be like a mathematics professor at MIT unable to figure out a simple math problem. But like the other conspiracy theories, this is not uncommon, in fact, investigative negligence is another common trait to these types of cases. The JFK case was full of numerous investigative errors and flat out incompetence, and it was closed in a relatively short time frame considering the magnitude and open ended questions. Some people believe that his brother RFK was killed because he would've reopened the case in an attempt to find out if more people were responsible. Other high profile people have died or committed suicide, and whether or not it was natural or foul, some people had much to lose if those people didn't die. The final report is usually not very high profile, and the investigation usually isn't very in-depth.

    -The final part is the most ingenious, because it ties all lose ends. They place the blame on an individual or group, saying they acted alone(such as Lee Harvey Oswald or Bruce Ivins). Then, just as they are about to present all this evidence in a court of law, that person just happens to conveniently die, and seeing as they were the prime suspect or only likely suspect for that matter, the case is usually closed and never reopened, therefore exonerating anyone else that may of been remotely involved.

    This may sound crazy or even a little out there, but you have to question the fact that nothing ever gets down to you unless its been reviewed/edited a hundred times over to ensure it has the right affect on the people watching it, and then you have to wonder who had the most to gain from it, a psychotic maniac(Oswald or Ivins?), or were there much bigger things going on.

  12. The anthrax came from a Government laboratory.  Read this article to find out who was behind the Anthrax mailings, and no, he is not a Muslim:

    Also, read about Fake Terror:

    The present Bush administration makes the Nixon administration look like a bunch of boy scouts.

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