
Bruce Lee, Jet Li or Herman Li?

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All 3 are Martial Artists!

2 are actors and one is a musician!




  1. BRUCE LEE !

  2. Bruce Lee... the only man Chuck Norris fears.. (even if he is dead)

  3. bruce lee <3 he is sexxxxxxxxxxy :] LMAO herman li is a guitarist LMFAO XD

  4. Bruce Lee would destroy Herman Li's guitar with one chop!

  5. Bruce Lee

  6. I don't like that Jet Li for some reason , I prefer Bruce  

  7. Jet li.

  8. Jet Li everytime.

  9. How bout Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son.

  10. Bruce!

  11. do you real li want to hurt me?

  12. jet li deffo !!!


  14. lykke li..bruce lee is a legend though.

  15. Jet Li

  16. who the h**l is herman li? i choose jet li from the other 2

  17. bruce, hands down

  18. Herman Li is the video game guitarist for the Nintendocore band DragonForce isnt he?

  19. Herman Li will shred Bruce and Jet's faces off

  20. dairy lea

  21. Bruce lee is fast as lightning

    Jet li is a chinese defender actor also fast a martial artist

    Herman li i donno who is he maybe he fights while playing music

    Muhammad Ali is more of a Legend than Bruce lee

    I'll go with Muhammad Ali coz its hard to punch him in the face...

    The rest.... They're all Bull Lee's

  22. Ha ha, Jet Li all the way!!

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