
Bruce Lee v Muhammad Ali.?

by Guest66558  |  earlier

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Both at their peak,in a free for all fight.Who do you think would have won???

I think Bruce would have took him out very quickly.




  1. First things first.  Muhammad Ali was purely a boxer while Bruce Lee mastered different forms of martial arts, including streetfighting.  Lee was known to have fought off anyone who'd dare challenge him in streets, alleys and rooftops.  Whereas, Ali had never ever picked a fight outside the ring.  Thus, in a "free for all" fight, Bruce would have an advantage in terms of fighting skills.  However, we can never really tell how he'll match up against a big guy like Ali.  Ali's almost a foot taller than Lee and he outweighs the latter by about 80 lbs.  Ali absorbed the most powerful of blows by men as big or even bigger than him so I think he could take a blow from a 135-pounder.  Lee, on the other hand, had never fought guys as big as Ali and I don't think he'd ever been punched by a heavyweight.  Also, Muhammad was fast and quick for his size, especially the pre-exile version, and punched with precision.  Lee would surely exploit his kicking prowess and would come flying in the way he took on Kareem in "Game of Death".  But when Ali gets to grab him and pepper him with punches to the head, he'd be in trouble.  I'd go with Muhammad for he's more for real.

  2. bruce Lee he use to take breaks during the makin of his movies and he would take a break to go whoop there *** not many people no but even Chuck Norris challenged him and Bruce beat His ***

  3. bruce lee would win

  4. Bruce baby

  5. bruce lee will knock out his black azz

  6. bruce lee

  7. bruce lee.without a doubt.

  8. I'm a big fan of Ali,so i have to count on my man.If they fought back then when Ali was young,fast,quick,and very strong.Remember 1965 Liston vs Ali.1st round 1st minute.So Ali will beat anyone.Respect.

  9. This question is difficult to answer considering the fact that ali was way bigger than bruce

  10. You have no idea how many times this has been asked...

  11. This match is not even because Ali will box and Bruce will be using his martial arts combination of kicks & punches !

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