
Bruce Lee vs MMA? Can anyone even come close enough to Bruce to launch any offensive attack?

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For you "young bloods" that have not witnessed in person the frightening speed & fury of the late, great Dragon...does anyone out there really think any MMA artist stands a chance in the ring with him?




  1. Bruce Lee in his prime fighting modern day ufc/pride practitioners would perhaps not have the ground game as good ,but knowing Bruce that may be debatable as he trained  harder than anyone at all ranges so we will never know for sure.

    But saying that his speed was unsurpassed and incredibly fast I personally believe that most fighters would be beaten and out of the contest before they believed they where in it.

    Just my humble opinion.

    Best wishes :)***

  2. ANY MMA fighter would beat him.

  3. He would easily be beaten by any pro MMA fighter.

    Bruce Lee was a great action star, but a mediocre fighter at best. There is absolutely no footage of him in any kind of sparring or competition fight. Try it on youtube, all you get is some blurry video of a guy in headgear that they SAY is Bruce Lee.

    There are legends of course. These legends are perpetuated by those with great financial interest in keeping the myth alive.

    It is quite odd that Bruce Lee, with all his access to video equipment could not be bothered to prove his fighting skills by creating a film with a live opponent.

    Evaluate it for yourself. Bruce Lee is a precursor to Jackie Chan and Jet Li, no true fighters.

  4. BOOOO im sick of the bruce lee vs. questions. i think we all lose when we kick a dead horse

  5. Bruce Lee was unbeatable in the 70 and would still be unbeatable today, well maybe not at the age he would be, but a Bruce Lee of his day would have no trouble taking out champion fighters like Fedor, or Silva, or St Pierre, he was way to fast and agile and strong.

  6. First Bruce Lee wasn't just an action star. He has in fact proven himself in actual fights, some resulting in death and obviously not his, and turned action well after. If not for Bruce Lee MMA wouldn't exist. He fought members of chinese martial arts clans who eventually turned to triads for help, couldn't stop him from teaching a martial art with mixed backgrounds to non-chinese. He was also consistently challenged to fights at his gyms, home, at restaurants, nearly anywhere he went. Some of them were in fact killed. The people who comment on how hollywood trumped him up are the worse than the people who actually buy into the sensationalized abilities. You've done less research into martial arts than the people who just watch old dramatized 70's Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris movies. Of course the movies are not believable, they're movies. Could he fly? No. Could he punch a hole in a brick wall? No. Could he fight at the level of the best? Yes.

    Most current day MMA "artists" aren't that great of fighters. If you took it from the old days before Dana White bought UFC, then there would be some contenders. Modern day MMA isn't much more than a glorified mix of boxing and wrestling(*edited for overly aggressive feel in my language). While they would most certainly beat someone with no fighting experience and training, versus a martial arts practitioner who learns real non-sport techniques would usually make quick work of MMA Sport Fighters. There are only select few who would win without a referee involved.

    There are always people who are exceptions to rule, always those who seem to break the mold. In everything. Modern MMA fighters are no different. Most are just athletes and not much more. Some are true modern day "warriors".

    There is a reason Martial Arts are called an ART. Bruce Lee trained himself to be a warrior and was, he also truly made it an art and created something that the world could enjoy and learn from. JKD is really one of the first, if not THE first, recognized "mma" forms. Taking from his original Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Western Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and a few others.

    Greatest that ever live? Probably not. One of greats? Probably. Had a huge impact in modern martial arts? No question what so ever.

  7. yeah i agree with the bloke above me but i will add im also sick of the moronic answers that some ppl give.where do they come up with this sh.t?

  8. bruce lee vs dan henderson

  9. Ok. straight to the point. bruce lee was way to fast for any move thrown at him. the mma guy would have to get in to take down... after what youve seen.. do you think mma guy would have a chance???

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