
Bruce Lee vs Mohammed Ali: Who would win in a fight?

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Bruce Lee vs Mohammed Ali: Who would win in a fight?




  1. Depends who throws the first punch (or move haha), and whether it hits. Ali first? = KO  Lee first? = KO

  2. No way would Ali win in a street fight, Lee was not just a movie star but one of the worlds greatest martial artists, Lee would hit first obviousley since in movies they had to actually slow him and his moves down, Ali would throw some good hits and definitley win in a boxing match, but lee is a dedicated fighter and was alot stronger then what most people think, true Ali can take some good blows, but well never know how well he could take a kick to the head!

  3. Bruce Lee was good but he was not one of the world's best martial artists. He just had more exposure because of his films, and the mistique surrounding his death didn't help.

    Argh is right: Bruce 130 lbs        Ali Heavyweight champion who had fast hands for a big man.

    Ali- Fought opponents his same size all the time. Foreman,Frazier, etc.

    Boxing match- Ali

    Street fight-better chance for bruce.

    When will people learn to think for themselves instead of beleiving everything they see on tv, movies, and the internet.

  4. ali himself said the in a boxing match hed beat bruce lee but in a street fight bruce lee would win.. im sure ali had an idea what he was talking about..

  5. if the fight had no specific rules (such as in boxing) bruce lee would kick the sh*t out of Ali.

  6. Stupid Bruce Lee fairy tale lovers. Mohammed Ali was a tall heavyweight professional athlete. Who took countless blows from the likes of Gorge Foreman and Sonny Liston and brushed them off. Bruce Lee would not be able to close in on Ali , Ali would just jab him all night and make him look like a bobble head , and then just put him out with a devestating cross.

    Bruce Lee = 130 pnd movie star

       Mohammad Ali=  Heavy Weight Champion of the world.

  7. Man... Bruce Lee was not superman.

    Joe Lewis (Who trained with Bruce) stated on numerous occassions Bruce was a great Martial Artist but not a fighter.

    Bruce Lee himself said Mohammed Ali would beat him.

    Anyone who says anything about Bruce's speed really are not taking into account Ali's footwork.

    Better footwork+great jab+reach+technique > speed.

    (Bruce Lee spent hours watching Ali's tape to try to incorportate his footwork into his style).

    "Bruce had way too much experience".... seriously?

    As far as I know him and Mohammed Ali began training at around the same age (age 12 to 13) Ali was a little younger than Bruce but had A TON more experience in fighting.. The guy was an Olympic Gold Medalist and won 100 fights just in his amateur career... (he had another 61 fights as a pro) but if we just counted his amateur career he easily dwared even the most exagerrated claims as far as Bruce Lee's fighting experience.

    Again, Bruce Lee was a great Martial Artist. But Muhammed Ali was a professional fighter, one of the greatest if not THE greatest of all time.

    Ali had a 78.5 inch reach (6ft 5inches) was known for incredible handspeed along with his footwork, and had better footwork than any other boxer he faced.

    How on earth could someone 5 ft 7, (Ali was 6'3", that's 8inches of height, and more than like 9 or more inches of reach) around 150 or so lbs (Ali was around 235lbs) with no professional fighting experience, hope to beat one of the greatest fighters of all time.

    Forget all this on the street, and in the ring c**p. Show me one place where Ali said Bruce Lee would beat him in the street. What magic technique do you think Bruce is going to employ when he can't reach Ali, and Ali has heavyweight knock out power.

    I mean Bruce Lee is great guys, but I think some of you give him WAY too much credit.

  8. i was told by my sifu that bruce less offered Ali a fight when bruce went over to america but he refused

    anyway to your point as in the ring ali in the street bruce would eat him for dinner.

  9. This is similar to Anerson Silva wanting to ight Roy Jones.  It depends on what type of fight.

    In a pure boxing fight - Ali

    In an mma fight - Lee

  10. lol ur so stupid lee is ded and ali is almost 67 he has parksins ali wuld win coz he wil

  11. Ali would stand no chance lee was way to fast and had more exp and training. Bottom line Lee would beat him no prob!!

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