
Bruins continue to disappoint?

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To fellow Bruins fans, I don't know if this question has been asked before, but is it realistic that the retards who run this team will actually spend some money this year and get some goalscorers? I know they said they would finally open their wallets and get the players necessary to contend for a Stanley Cup, but I'm tired of seeing the big guys like Marion Hossa sign with other teams and we seem to end up with the mid level players. We added Michael Ryder and a few years ago did sign Marc Savard and Zdeno Chara, but will this team ever be a legitimate contender under this current ownership?




  1. This is not my site, I am not affiliated with it in any way...I just think that it's a cool site with some good info.

  2. lol.. plz sell the bruins... nice... they only care about selling popcorn, hotdogs and pizza...

    I don't predict doom fr the bruins this year... they have a young and hungry team that plays good D... They got a wing... Bergueron will be back this year... Kessel needs to step it up.. I love that Slovotka (sp?) kid.. he's sure on his feet!

    Hossa took 7 mil fr 1 year to go to the Yankees of hockey...  and that's fine... I don't think Hossa was our guy anyway (sour grapes).  Is he physical enough to be a Big Bad Bruin??

    they got their feet wet in the playoffs last year... they took Montreal to seven games and that was much more then I expected... the got the coach they need... Lucich is a rising star... now they just need another goal scorer that HITS! and maybe its time to say good bye to Axelson and Murray.

  3. Like the Leafs's their money to do with as they please and until YOU quit opening your wallets to things like jerseys and game really don't have a voice. Money speaks louder.

  4. i agree i think it would be good enough to say that they atleast have the size. but yah i definately agree that they do need spend for some better forward

  5. i see the bruins being in the middle of the pack again next season in the eastern conference. hopefully bergeron comes back fully healthy and at the same level where he left off. I can't stand the flyers.

  6. You sound jaded...why not hop on the good ship Senator and sail away...You will get to follow an exciting team, one that will probably contend for the Cup this season...Plus we signed some guy named Jarkko...

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