
Bruise will it get worse if......?

by Guest58025  |  earlier

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hi i have a big bruise on my elbow from being pulled really hard by a dog (work at a kennels)..... will it get worse if i accidentally knock it again? iv just knocked it on the bathroom door.




  1. It might, but that is doubtful.  Just be a little more careful, bruises hurt for a reason, to remind that , that area is injured and needs time to heal.  I know that sounds redundant, but it is true.  Anyway, I've never hit a bruise so hard that it bruised even worse, but I suppose theoretically, it could happen.  Unless you blasted off from a 3 point stance and tried to take the door off the hinges with a forearm thrust maneuver, I doubt the bruise will get worse.

  2. i would just go with not trying to bump it if you don't want it to hurt as much

  3. It may do, just put some Arnica on it if you have any? The topical gel works best. Other then that, just leave it, it will go away in time

  4. Well, try getting something, like a plaster, not those plasters where you get a cut.

    Try getting some bands as well, just to help a little bit.

    Also, try going to the doctors, then see what they say.

    But if it's a big bruise, try resting the elbow/arm a bit.

    Any other info needed, feel free to contact me.


    Hope this helps!


  5. try to be careful,,and take care,,with it ,otherwise it will take longer to heal,,

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