
Brushing curly hair when you get out the shower?

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I heard you shouldn't, but surely if you don't it becomes knotted. I tried a thick comb and afro comb but they won't get through my thick hair.

What do I do?




  1. wide tooth comb whilst still in the shower with conditioner then once your out again with the wide tooth comb and a leave-in conditioner or serum/ balm protein mousse.Plenty of products available on the market

  2. Yeah. I have curly hair and i wash it wish shampoo and then put conditioner in it and brush it through and then wash it out. That way it is less knotty and the conditioner has got through to all the hairs.

  3. just use plentyu of conditioner when wash your hair and maybe even try to comb it right when you wash it, try not to mess your hair up while you wash it, so it`s sleek at least while being washed

  4. I used to have thick long curly hair i found it best that when in the shower that when you put contioner on brush your come threw it might hurt a bit but its best to put moose in your hair aswell to ease the pain.I reccomend goin to your hair dresser and buying some calming products they really help!

    Also my friend how had curly hair got hers straightened with a sort of formula it last 6months and stays perfectly straight she said it was worth it and her hair looks fab!

  5. No Way, don't brush your hair culy or stright wet!!  Comb it through with a smidge of conditioner & leave it to dry or dry it then brush.  I too have curly hair & as tempting as it is..  Don't do it!

  6. They say you shouldn't brush it when it is wet as it causes more damage to your hair than combing, it stretches the hair then it gets weak and breaks.  Using the Afro comb try and do small bits at a time, don't try and comb the whole length in one go, do a bit a the top gently and gradually comb the next bit until you get to the bottom, it might take a bit of time but it is better for your hair.

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